Enjoy your ride

Being an entrepreneur is a bug.

George Hatsopoulos

You shouldn't lose sight of your purpose.


You learn a subject more by teaching it than anything else.

教授一門科目, 能學到的比其他任何東西都多.

About teaching: I did it because it is fun.

關於教學: 這樣做是因為它很有趣.

It's useful to set a certain direction you want to go. After you set the direction, don't focus in your goal. Focus in enjoying the ride.

設定想要達成的方向非常受用. 一旦方向確立, 不要專注於目標, 而應專注於享受過程.


John Goodenough 先生今年正好滿一百歲, 在 1986 年轉到 UT Austin 機械系任教, 他不僅是至今獲頒諾貝爾獎最高齡紀錄保持人, 也是目前德州大學唯二之一的諾貝爾獎者鎮校之寶. 他的教研生涯堪稱有夠好!!