Object Parameter IDs

Refer to the API functions sim.getObjectInt32Param, sim.setObjectInt32Param, sim.getObjectFloatParam, sim.setObjectFloatParam, sim.getObjectStringParam and sim.setObjectStringParam for details on following values:

Scene objects

sim.objintparam_visibility_layer (10)
int32 parameter : object visibility layer
sim.objfloatparam_abs_x_velocity (11)
float parameter (can only be read) : object absolute x velocity. This is a calculated value. Refer also to sim.getObjectVelocity.
sim.objfloatparam_abs_y_velocity (12)
float parameter (can only be read) : object absolute y velocity. This is a calculated value. Refer also to sim.getObjectVelocity.
sim.objfloatparam_abs_z_velocity (13)
float parameter (can only be read) : object absolute z velocity. This is a calculated value. Refer also to sim.getObjectVelocity.
sim.objfloatparam_abs_rot_velocity (14)
float parameter (can only be read) : object absolute rotational velocity. This is a calculated value. Refer also to sim.getObjectVelocity.
sim.objfloatparam_objbbox_min_x (15)
float parameter (can only be read) : object bounding box, min. x position (relative to the object reference frame)
sim.objfloatparam_objbbox_min_y (16)
float parameter (can only be read) : object bounding box, min. y position (relative to the object reference frame)
sim.objfloatparam_objbbox_min_z (17)
float parameter (can only be read) : object bounding box, min. z position (relative to the object reference frame)
sim.objfloatparam_objbbox_max_x (18)
float parameter (can only be read) : object bounding box, max. x position (relative to the object reference frame)
sim.objfloatparam_objbbox_max_y (19)
float parameter (can only be read) : object bounding box, max. y position (relative to the object reference frame)
sim.objfloatparam_objbbox_max_z (20)
float parameter (can only be read) : object bounding box, max. z position (relative to the object reference frame)
sim.objfloatparam_modelbbox_min_x (21)
float parameter (can only be read) : model bounding box, min. x position (relative to the object reference frame). Object needs to be flagged as model base.
sim.objfloatparam_modelbbox_min_y (22)
float parameter (can only be read) : model bounding box, min. y position (relative to the object reference frame). Object needs to be flagged as model base.
sim.objfloatparam_modelbbox_min_z (23)
float parameter (can only be read) : model bounding box, min. z position (relative to the object reference frame). Object needs to be flagged as model base.
sim.objfloatparam_modelbbox_max_x (24)
float parameter (can only be read) : model bounding box, max. x position (relative to the object reference frame). Object needs to be flagged as model base.
sim.objfloatparam_modelbbox_max_y (25)
float parameter (can only be read) : model bounding box, max. y position (relative to the object reference frame). Object needs to be flagged as model base.
sim.objfloatparam_modelbbox_max_z (26)
float parameter (can only be read) : model bounding box, max. z position (relative to the object reference frame). Object needs to be flagged as model base.
sim.objintparam_collection_self_collision_indicator (27)
int32 parameter : collection self-collision indicator.
sim.objfloatparam_transparency_offset (28)
float parameter : transparent object distance offset. When rendering transparent objects, they are ordered from back to front for rendering. With this value you can influence the ordering a bit.
sim.objintparam_manipulation_permissions (31)
int32 parameter : object manipulation permissions, bit-coded: bit0 set (1) --> object can be translated during non-simulation, bit1 set (2) --> object can be translated during simulation, bit2 set (4) --> object can be rotated during non-simulation, bit3 set (8) --> object can be rotated during simulation, bit4 set (16) --> object manual shift settings are locked, bit5 set (32) --> object nanual rotation settings are locked.
sim.objintparam_illumination_handle (32)
int32 parameter : -1 if object should be illuminated by all light objects, otherwise a light handle (or collection handle) for the light object(s) that should illuminate the object.
sim.objfloatparam_size_factor (34)
float parameter : a size factor that will be automatically scaled when the object gets scaled.
sim.objstringparam_unique_id (35)
string parameter : a string that uniquely and persistently identifies an object. Can only be read.
sim.objintparam_visible (36)
int32 parameter : 0 if the shape is not visible. Can only be read.

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!

Vision sensors

sim.visionfloatparam_near_clipping (1000)
float parameter : near clipping plane
sim.visionfloatparam_far_clipping (1001)
float parameter : far clipping plane
sim.visionintparam_resolution_x (1002)
int32 parameter : resolution x
sim.visionintparam_resolution_y (1003)
int32 parameter : resolution y
sim.visionfloatparam_perspective_angle (1004)
float parameter : perspective projection angle
sim.visionfloatparam_ortho_size (1005)
float parameter : orthographic projection size
sim.visionintparam_disabled_light_components (1006)
int32 parameter : mask of disabled light components (ambient, diffuse, specular)
sim.visionintparam_rendering_attributes (1007)
int32 parameter : a combination of rendering attributes. Use with care.
sim.visionintparam_entity_to_render (1008)
int32 parameter : entity handle of the entity to render, or -1 to render all renderable objects.
sim.visionintparam_windowed_size_x (1009)
int32 parameter : size X of external windowed rendering. 0 for full-screen.
sim.visionintparam_windowed_size_y (1010)
int32 parameter : size Y of external windowed rendering. 0 for full-screen.
sim.visionintparam_windowed_pos_x (1011)
int32 parameter : pos X of external windowed rendering.
sim.visionintparam_windowed_pos_y (1012)
int32 parameter : pos Y of external windowed rendering.
sim.visionintparam_pov_focal_blur (1013)
int32 parameter : POV-Ray focal blur enabled flag.
sim.visionfloatparam_pov_blur_distance (1014)
float parameter : POV-Ray focal blur distance.
sim.visionfloatparam_pov_aperture (1015)
float parameter : POV-Ray aperture.
sim.visionintparam_pov_blur_sampled (1016)
int32 parameter : POV-Ray blur samples.
sim.visionintparam_render_mode (1017)
int32 parameter : Render mode. Use with care. 0=normal, 1=aux. channels, 2=object handles, 3=POV-Ray.
sim.visionintparam_perspective_operation (1018)
int32 parameter : whether the vision sensor is operated in perspective mode (1) or orthogonal mode (0).

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!


sim.jointfloatparam_pid_p (2002)
float parameter : dynamic motor position control P parameter
sim.jointfloatparam_pid_i (2003)
float parameter : dynamic motor position control I parameter
sim.jointfloatparam_pid_d (2004)
float parameter : dynamic motor position control D parameter
sim.jointfloatparam_intrinsic_x (2005)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint transformation, position X
sim.jointfloatparam_intrinsic_y (2006)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint transformation, position Y
sim.jointfloatparam_intrinsic_z (2007)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint transformation, position Z
sim.jointfloatparam_intrinsic_qx (2008)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint transformation, quaternion X
sim.jointfloatparam_intrinsic_qy (2009)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint transformation, quaternion Y
sim.jointfloatparam_intrinsic_qz (2010)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint transformation, quaternion Z
sim.jointfloatparam_intrinsic_qw (2011)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint transformation, quaternion W
sim.jointfloatparam_velocity (2012)
float parameter (can only be read) : joint velocity. This is a calculated value.
sim.jointfloatparam_spherical_qx (2013)
float parameter (can only be written) : spherical joint quaternion (X part). Value is buffered (quaternion will only be written when float parameter 2016 is written)
sim.jointfloatparam_spherical_qy (2014)
float parameter (can only be written) : spherical joint quaternion (Y part). Value is buffered (quaternion will only be written when float parameter 2016 is written)
sim.jointfloatparam_spherical_qz (2015)
float parameter (can only be written) : spherical joint quaternion (Z part). Value is buffered (quaternion will only be written when float parameter 2016 is written)
sim.jointfloatparam_spherical_qw (2016)
float parameter (can only be written) : spherical joint quaternion (W part). Writes a quaternion using also buffered values (see parameters 2013-2015)
sim.jointfloatparam_upper_limit (2017)
float parameter : joint upper velocity limit. May only have an effect after simulation restart, or after resetting the joint with sim.resetDynamicObject
sim.jointfloatparam_kc_k (2018)
float parameter : dynamic motor spring control K parameter
sim.jointfloatparam_kc_c (2019)
float parameter : dynamic motor spring control C parameter
sim.jointfloatparam_error_x (2022)
float parameter : joint internal position error X (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointfloatparam_error_y (2023)
float parameter : joint internal position error Y (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointfloatparam_error_z (2024)
float parameter : joint internal position error Z (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointfloatparam_error_a (2025)
float parameter : joint internal orientation error alpha (euler(0)) (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointfloatparam_error_b (2026)
float parameter : joint internal orientation error beta (euler(1)) (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointfloatparam_error_g (2027)
float parameter : joint internal orientation error gamma (euler(2)) (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointfloatparam_error_pos (2028)
float parameter : joint internal position error (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointfloatparam_error_angle (2029)
float parameter : joint internal angular error (when joint is dynamically enabled). Can only be read.
sim.jointintparam_velocity_lock (2030)
int32 parameter : joint velocity lock mode enable state (when enabled and joint is in velocity mode and its target velocity is zero, then the joint is locked in place).
sim.jointintparam_vortex_dep_handle (2031)
int32 parameter : Vortex joint dependency, dependent joint handle. When written, the joint might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject for the change to take effect.
sim.jointfloatparam_vortex_dep_multiplication (2032)
float parameter : Vortex joint dependency, multiplication factor. When written, the joint might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject for the change to take effect.
sim.jointfloatparam_vortex_dep_offset (2033)
float parameter : Vortex joint dependency, offset. When written, the joint might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject for the change to take effect.
sim.jointfloatparam_screw_pitch (2034)
float parameter : the joint screw pitch, if the joint is a revolute joint.
float parameter: the maximum allowed velocity, when motion controlled
float parameter: the maximum allowed acceleration, when motion controlled
float parameter: the maximum allowed jerk, when motion controlled
int32 parameter: the dynamic control mode of the joint
int32 parameter: the dynamic velocity control type of the joint: 0=none, 1=motion profile
int32 parameter: the dynamic position control type of the joint: 0=PID, 1=motion profile

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!


sim.shapefloatparam_init_velocity_x (3000)
float parameter : x-component of the initial dynamic linear velocity of a dynamically enabled shape (static or non-static). The shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject
sim.shapefloatparam_init_velocity_y (3001)
float parameter : y-component of the initial dynamic linear velocity of a dynamically enabled shape (static or non-static). The shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject
sim.shapefloatparam_init_velocity_z (3002)
float parameter : z-component of the initial dynamic linear velocity of a dynamically enabled shape (static or non-static). The shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject
sim.shapeintparam_static (3003)
int32 parameter : static state (0 or !=0). Use with care when setting this parameter during simulation (the shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject)
sim.shapeintparam_respondable (3004)
int32 parameter : respondable state (0 or !=0). Use with care when setting this parameter during simulation (the shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject)
sim.shapefloatparam_mass (3005)
float parameter : mass of the shape. Use with care when setting this parameter during simulation (the shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject)
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_x (3006)
float parameter : texture x-coordinate. Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_y (3007)
float parameter : texture y-coordinate. Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_z (3008)
float parameter : texture z-coordinate. Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_a (3009)
float parameter : texture alpha-coordinate (Euler angle). Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_b (3010)
float parameter : texture beta-coordinate (Euler angle). Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_g (3011)
float parameter : texture gamma-coordinate (Euler angle). Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_scaling_x (3012)
float parameter : texture scaling along x. Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapefloatparam_texture_scaling_y (3013)
float parameter : texture scaling along y. Has no effect when imported texture coordinates are used
sim.shapeintparam_culling (3014)
int32 parameter : culling state (0 or !=0)
sim.shapeintparam_wireframe (3015)
int32 parameter : wireframe state (0 or !=0)
sim.shapeintparam_compound (3016)
int32 parameter : shape compound state (0 if shape is a simple shape, !=0 if shape is a compound shape)
sim.shapeintparam_convex (3017)
int32 parameter : shape convex state (!=0 if shape mesh(es) is/are convex). This is just a flag. Very careful when setting this value (make sure the mesh(es) is/are closed and perfectly convex). The flag is used to select special and faster collision calculation routines for the physics engines. See also next item
sim.shapeintparam_convex_check (3018)
int32 parameter : triggers a convectivity check for the given shape. Can only be set (parameter can be any value). The shape's convex state will be set. Normally not needed because done automatically.
sim.shapeintparam_respondable_mask (3019)
int32 parameter : respondable mask. When setting this parameter during simulation (the shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject)
sim.shapefloatparam_init_velocity_a (3020)
float parameter : alpha-component of the initial dynamic angular velocity of a dynamically enabled shape (static or non-static). The shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject
sim.shapefloatparam_init_velocity_b (3021)
float parameter : beta-component of the initial dynamic angular velocity of a dynamically enabled shape (static or non-static). The shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject
sim.shapefloatparam_init_velocity_g (3022)
float parameter : gamma-component of the initial dynamic angular velocity of a dynamically enabled shape (static or non-static). The shape might have to be reset with sim.resetDynamicObject
sim.shapestringparam_color_name (3023)
string parameter : the color name(s) contained in the shape. If several color strings are contained, they are separated by a space character. You can use those strings to modify the color of a simple shape contained in a compound shape with sim.setShapeColor. This parameter can only be written for shapes that are not compound shapes.
sim.shapeintparam_edge_visibility (3024)
int32 parameter : edge visibility state (0 or !=0).
sim.shapefloatparam_shading_angle (3025)
float parameter : shading angle.
sim.shapefloatparam_edge_angle (3026)
float parameter : edge threshold angle.
sim.shapeintparam_edge_borders_hidden (3027)
int32 parameter : hide edge borders (0 or !=0).
sim.shapeintparam_component_cnt (3028)
int32 parameter : the number of items in a compound shape, or 1 otherwise.
sim.shapeintparam_sleepmodestart (3029)
int32 parameter : 1 if the dynamic shape starts in sleep mode.

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!

Proximity sensors

sim.proxintparam_ray_invisibility (4000)
int32 parameter : detection ray invisibility state (0 or !=0)
sim.proxintparam_volume_type (4001)
int32 parameter : the volume type of the proximity sensor. Can only be read.
sim.proxintparam_entity_to_detect (4002)
int32 parameter : entity handle of the entity to detect, or -1 to detect all detectable objects.

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!

Force sensors

sim.forcefloatparam_error_x (5000)
float parameter : force sensor internal position error X. Can only be read.
sim.forcefloatparam_error_y (5001)
float parameter : force sensor internal position error Y. Can only be read.
sim.forcefloatparam_error_z (5002)
float parameter : force sensor internal position error Z. Can only be read.
sim.forcefloatparam_error_a (5003)
float parameter : force sensor internal orientation error alpha (euler(0)). Can only be read.
sim.forcefloatparam_error_b (5004)
float parameter : force sensor internal orientation error beta (euler(1)). Can only be read.
sim.forcefloatparam_error_g (5005)
float parameter : force sensor internal orientation error gamma (euler(2)). Can only be read.
sim.forcefloatparam_error_pos (5006)
float parameter : force sensor internal position error. Can only be read.
sim.forcefloatparam_error_angle (5007)
float parameter : force sensor internal angular error. Can only be read.

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!


sim.graphintparam_needs_refresh (10500)
int32 parameter : reads and clears the refresh flag.

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!


sim.lightintparam_pov_casts_shadows (8000)
int32 parameter : POV-Ray light casts shadows.
sim.lightfloatparam_spot_exponent (8001)
float parameter : light spot exponent.
sim.lightfloatparam_spot_cutoff (8002)
float parameter : light spot cutoff.
sim.lightfloatparam_const_attenuation (8003)
float parameter : light constant attenuation factor.
sim.lightfloatparam_lin_attenuation (8004)
float parameter : light linear attenuation factor.
sim.lightfloatparam_quad_attenuation (8005)
float parameter : light quadratic attenuation factor.

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!


sim.cameraintparam_disabled_light_components (9000)
int32 parameter : mask of disabled light components (ambient, diffuse, specular)
sim.camerafloatparam_perspective_angle (9001)
float parameter : camera perspective angle.
sim.camerafloatparam_ortho_size (9002)
float parameter : camera orthographic size.
sim.cameraintparam_rendering_attributes (9003)
int32 parameter : a combination of rendering attributes. Use with care.
sim.cameraintparam_pov_focal_blur (9004)
int32 parameter : POV-Ray focal blur enabled flag.
sim.camerafloatparam_pov_blur_distance (9005)
float parameter : POV-Ray focal blur distance.
sim.camerafloatparam_pov_aperture (9006)
float parameter : POV-Ray aperture.
sim.cameraintparam_pov_blur_samples (9007)
int32 parameter : POV-Ray blur samples.
sim.camerafloatparam_near_clipping (9008)
float parameter : near clipping plane
sim.camerafloatparam_far_clipping (9009)
float parameter : far clipping plane
sim.cameraintparam_perspective_operation (9010)
int32 parameter : whether the camera is operated in perspective mode (1) or orthogonal mode (0).
sim.cameraintparam_remotecameramode (9012)
int32 parameter : the remote camera mode. Remote camera can be free (0), slave (1) or master (2).

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!


sim.dummyintparam_link_type (10000)
int32 parameter : dummy link type. If you set this value for a dummy that is dynamically enabled or that will be come dynamically enabled, you might have to call sim.resetDynamicObject on the two dummies for the effect to become active.
sim.dummyfloatparam_size (10003)
float parameter : the size of the dummy.

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!

OC trees

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!

Point clouds

More parameters you wish to adjust from the API? Ask us to add them for a future release!