Regular API function

simRuckigPos / sim.ruckigPos

Description Executes a call to the Ruckig online trajectory generator. The Ruckig online trajectory generator provides instantaneous trajectory generation capabilities for motion control systems. This function prepares a position-based trajectory generation object, that can then be calculated with sim.ruckigStep. When this object is not needed anymore, remove it with sim.ruckigRemove. See also sim.ruckigVel, sim.moveToPose and sim.moveToConfig.
simInt simRuckigPos(simInt dofs,simDouble baseCycleTime,simInt flags,const simDouble* currentPos,const simDouble* currentVel,const simDouble* currentAccel,const simDouble* maxVel,const simDouble* maxAccel,const simDouble* maxJerk,const simBool* selection,const simDouble* targetPos,const simDouble* targetVe,simDouble* reserved1,simInt* reserved2l)
dofs: the number of degrees of freedom (n).
baseCycleTime: the smallest expected cycle time. The cycle time should always be a multiple of baseCycleTime. Use a value of 0.0001 (0.1ms).
flags: Ruckig flags. -1 for default flags.
currentPos: the current position (one value for each DoF)
currentVel: the current velocity (one value for each DoF)
currentAccel: the current acceleration (one value for each DoF)
maxVel: the maximum allowed velocity (one value for each DoF, i.e. [maxV_1, ..., maxV_n]). If sim.ruckig_minvel is specified in flags, then maxVel should contain [maxV_1, ..., maxV_n,minV_1, ..., minV_n]
maxAccel: the maximum allowed acceleration (one value for each DoF, i.e. [maxA_1, ..., maxA_n]). If sim.ruckig_minaccel is specified in flags, then maxAccel should contain [maxA_1, ..., maxA_n, minA_1, ..., minA_n]
maxJerk: the maximum allowed jerk (one value for each DoF)
selection: the selection vector (one value for each DoF). For a default behaviour, fill the vector with non-zero values.
targetPos: the target position (one value for each DoF)
targetVel: the target velocity (one value for each DoF)
reserved1: reserved. Set to nullptr
reserved2: reserved. Set to nullptr
return value
A negative value in case of an error, otherwise the handle of the created object
int handle=sim.ruckigPos(int dofs,float baseCycleTime,int flags,float[] currentPosVelAccel,float[] maxVelAccelJerk,int[] selection,float[] targetPosVel)

If you wish to use this function in a blocking mode, consider using sim.moveToPose and sim.moveToConfig instead.
dofs: the number of degrees of freedom (n).
baseCycleTime: the smallest expected cycle time. The cycle time should always be a multiple of baseCycleTime. Use a value of 0.0001 (0.1ms).
flags: Ruckig flags. -1 for default flags.
currentPosVelAccel: the current position, velocity and acceleration: {pos_1, ..., pos_n, vel_1, ..., vel_n, accel_1, ..., accel_n} (one value for each DoF)
maxVelAccelJerk: the maximum allowed velocity, acceleration and jerk: {maxV_1, ..., maxV_n, maxA_1, ..., maxA_n, maxJ_1, ..., maxJ_n}. If sim.ruckig_minvel is specified in flags, then maxVelAccelJerk should contain following additional values: {minV_1, ..., minV_n}. If sim.ruckig_minaccel is specified in flags, then maxVelAccelJerk should contain following additional values: {minA_1, ..., minA_n}
selection: the selection vector (one value for each DoF). For a default behaviour, fill the vector with non-zero values.
targetPosVel: the target position and velocity: {tPos_1, ..., tPos_n, tVel_1, ..., tVel_n}
return values
handle: the handle to the created object
int handle=sim.ruckigPos(int dofs,float baseCycleTime,int flags,list currentPosVelAccel,list maxVelAccelJerk,list selection,list targetPosVel)