Simulation scripts

Simulation scripts play the central role in a simulation, and are only executed while a simulation is running. There two types of simulation scripts:

  • The main script: by default, each scene has a main script that handles all the functionality (that is is charge of calling child scripts (see hereafter)). Without main script, a simulation cannot run. The main script can be customized, but it is preferable to do all the customization work in child scripts.
  • Child scripts: each scene object can be associated with a child script that can handle a specific part of a simulation. The most common use for a child script is to have it control a model (e.g. a robot). Since child scripts are attached to scene objects (i.e. they are associated scripts), they will also be duplicated during a copy-and-paste operation, which is an important feature that allows a simulation scene to be easily scalable. Associated scripts form the basis of CoppeliaSim's distributed control architecture.
  • Following are the main differences between the main script and a child script:

  • there can only be one main script. There can be an unlimited number of child scripts.
  • the main script is independent and should preferably not be customized. Child scripts are associated with scene objects and should be customized.
  • the main script is never duplicated in a copy/paste operation of scene objects. Child scripts will duplicate themselves together with their associated scene object.
  • child scripts support a few more callback functions than the main script.
  • Simulation scripts, and all scripts in general, are mainly invoked via system callback functions by CoppeliaSim, and follow a precise execution order in relation with other script types. They can run threaded or non-threaded.