Synthetic vision

Synthetic vision is achieved in CoppeliaSim via vision sensors: they can perform offscreen rendering of the scene in different modes. The generated image can then be modified/processed in various ways, for instance from within a vision callback function:

  • image processing with OpenCV (via the image plugin)
  • simple image processing via the vision plugin
  • sim.transformImage
  • sim.transformBuffer
  • Following shows a vision callback function that illustrates 3 different ways to modify an acquired image:

    function sysCall_vision(inData) -- inData.handle: handle of the vision sensor -- inData.resolution: resolution of the vision sensor -- inData.clippingPlanes: near and far clipping plane of the vision sensor -- inData.viewAngle: the view angle if the vision sensor is in perspective operation -- inData.orthoSize: the size of the view if the vision sensor is in orthogonal operation -- inData.perspectiveOperation: whether the vision sensor is in perspective operation -- e.g. use very simple functions from the vision plugin (simExtVision): simVision.sensorImgToWorkImg(inData.handle) simVision.edgeDetectionOnWorkImg(inData.handle,0.2) simVision.swapWorkImgWithBuffer1(inData.handle) simVision.uniformImgToWorkImg(inData.handle,{0.5,0.25,0}) simVision.addBuffer1ToWorkImg(inData.handle) simVision.workImgToSensorImg(inData.handle) -- and/or, use more powerful functions from the image plugin (simExtImage): if simIM then local imgHandle=simIM.readFromVisionSensor(inData.handle) local center={inData.resolution[1]/2,inData.resolution[2]/2} local radius=(inData.resolution[1]+inData.resolution[2])/8,center,radius,{255,255,0},4) simIM.writeToVisionSensor(imgHandle,inData.handle) simIM.destroy(imgHandle) end -- Or you can directly operate on the image buffer: local image=sim.getVisionSensorImg(inData.handle) sim.transformImage(image,inData.resolution,4) image=sim.transformBuffer(image,sim.buffer_uint8rgb,1,0,sim.buffer_uint8bgr) sim.setVisionSensorImg(inData.handle,image) outData={} outData.trigger=true -- whether the sensor should trigger -- filters may append packets (in packed form, use sim.packFloatTable to pack) to this table: outData.packedPackets={sim.packFloatTable({1,42,57})} return outData end