Description |
Duplicates a mesh object. |
Synopsis |
CObbStruct* geom_copyMesh(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: the mesh object to duplicate.
Return value |
A pointer to the duplicated mesh object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
geom_createMesh |
Description |
Duplicates an OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
COcStruct* geom_copyOctree(const COcStruct* ocStruct) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: the OC-tree object to duplicate.
Return value |
A pointer to the duplicated OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
Description |
Duplicates a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
CPcStruct* geom_copyPtcloud(const CPcStruct* pcStruct) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: the point-cloud object to duplicate.
Return value |
A pointer to the duplicated point-cloud object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
Description |
Creates a mesh object. |
Synopsis |
CObbStruct* geom_createMesh(const double* vertices,int verticesSize,const int* indices,int indicesSize,const C7Vector* meshOrigin=nullptr,double triangleEdgeMaxLength=0.3,int maxTrianglesInBoundingBox=8) |
Arguments |
vertices: an array with the vertices of the mesh, expressed relative to the world origin.
verticesSize: the size of the vertex array, i.e. 3*vertexCount.
indices: an array with the indices of the mesh.
indicesSize: the size of the index array, i.e. each triangle takes 3 indices.
meshOrigin: the transformation frame of the mesh. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the mesh is located at the world origin.
triangleEdgeMaxLength: the maximum triangle size used internally for efficient calculations. A smaller size usually results in faster calculations, but larger calculation structures.
maxTrianglesInBoundingBox: the maximum number of triangles in leaf bounding boxes, used internally for efficient calculations. A smaller value usually results in faster calculations, but larger calculation structures.
Return value |
A pointer to the mesh object in case of success, nullptr otherwise |
See also |
geom_destroyMesh, geom_copyMesh, geom_getMeshFromSerializationData |
Description |
Creates an OC-tree object from several points with individual colors and individual user data. |
Synopsis |
COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints(const double* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* octreeOrigin=nullptr,double cellS=0.05,const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,const unsigned int* usrData=nullptr) |
Arguments |
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
octreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the OC-tree is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB colors (0-255)of the various points (i.e. one color per point).
usrData: the user data of the various points (i.e. one user data per point).
Return value |
A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
geom_createOctreeFromPoints, geom_createOctreeFromMesh, geom_createOctreeFromOctree, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData, geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree |
Description |
Creates an OC-tree object from a mesh object. |
Synopsis |
COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromMesh(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C7Vector* octreeOrigin=nullptr,double cellS=0.05,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh object.
octreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the OC-tree is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value |
A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
geom_createOctreeFromPoints,geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints, geom_createOctreeFromOctree, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData |
Description |
Creates an OC-tree object from another OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromOctree(const COcStruct* otherOctreeStruct,const C7Vector& otherOctreeTransformation,const C7Vector* newOctreeOrigin=nullptr,double newOctreeCellS=0.05,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0) |
Arguments |
otherOctreeStruct: the other OC-tree object.
otherOctreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the other OC-tree object.
newOctreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the new OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the new OC-tree is located at the world origin.
newOctreeCellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value |
A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
geom_createOctreeFromPoints,geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints, geom_createOctreeFromMesh, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData |
Description |
Creates an OC-tree object from several points. |
Synopsis |
COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromPoints(const double* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* octreeOrigin=nullptr,double cellS=0.05,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0) |
Arguments |
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
octreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the OC-tree is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value |
A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints, geom_createOctreeFromMesh, geom_createOctreeFromOctree, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData, geom_insertPointsIntoOctree |
Description |
Creates a point-cloud object from several points with individual colors. |
Synopsis |
CPcStruct* geom_createPtcloudFromColorPoints(const double* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* ptcloudOrigin=nullptr,double cellS=0.05,int maxPointCnt=20,const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,double proximityTol=0.005) |
Arguments |
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
ptcloudOrigin: the transformation frame of the point-cloud. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the point-cloud is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired voxel size of the underlying OC-tree.
maxPointCnt: The maximum amount of points inside of a OC-tree voxel.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated points. Specify one color per point.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value |
A pointer to a point-cloud object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
geom_createPtcloudFromPoints, geom_destroyPtcloud, geom_copyPtcloud, geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData, geom_insertColorPointsIntoPtcloud |
Description |
Creates a point-cloud object from several points. |
Synopsis |
CPcStruct* geom_createPtcloudFromPoints(const double* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* ptcloudOrigin=nullptr,double cellS=0.05,int maxPointCnt=20,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,double proximityTol=0.005) |
Arguments |
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
ptcloudOrigin: the transformation frame of the point-cloud. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the point-cloud is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired voxel size of the underlying OC-tree.
maxPointCnt: The maximum amount of points inside of a OC-tree voxel.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated points.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value |
A pointer to a point-cloud object in case of success, otherwise nullptr. |
See also |
geom_createPtcloudFromColorPoints, geom_destroyPtcloud, geom_copyPtcloud, geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData, geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud |
Description |
Destroys a mesh object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_destroyMesh(CObbStruct* meshObbStruct) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
Return value |
See also |
geom_createMesh |
Description |
Destroys an OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_destroyOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
Return value |
See also |
geom_createOctreeFromPoints |
Description |
Destroys a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_destroyPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
Return value |
See also |
geom_createPtcloudFromPoints |
Description |
Computes a fast, approximate minimum distance between two cuboids. The approximate distance is always same or smaller than the exact distance. |
Synopsis |
double geom_getApproxBoxBoxDistance(const C7Vector& box1Transformation,const C3Vector& box1HalfSize,const C7Vector& box2Transformation,const C3Vector& box2HalfSize) |
Arguments |
box1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first cuboid.
box1HalfSize: the half-size of the first cuboid.
box2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second cuboid.
box2HalfSize: the half-size of the second cuboid.
Return value |
the approximate minimum distance between the two cuboids. The approximate distance is always same or smaller than the exact distance. |
See also |
geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between two cuboids. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getBoxBoxCollision(const C7Vector& box1Transformation,const C3Vector& box1HalfSize,const C7Vector& box2Transformation,const C3Vector& box2HalfSize,bool boxesAreSolid) |
Arguments |
box1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first cuboid.
box1HalfSize: the half-size of the first cuboid.
box2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second cuboid.
box2HalfSize: the half-size of the second cuboid.
boxesAreSolid: whether the two cuboids are solid. If not, then cuboid A being fully encompassed by cuboid B will not lead to a collision detection.
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between two cuboids. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& box1Transformation,const C3Vector& box1HalfSize,const C7Vector& box2Transformation,const C3Vector& box2HalfSize,bool boxesAreSolid,double& dist,C3Vector* distSegPt1=nullptr,C3Vector* distSegPt2=nullptr,bool altRoutine=false) |
Arguments |
box1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first cuboid.
box1HalfSize: the half-size of the first cuboid.
box2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second cuboid.
box2HalfSize: the half-size of the second cuboid.
boxesAreSolid: whether the two cuboids are solid. If true, then cuboid A being fully encompassed by cuboid B will always lead to a distance of zero between the two cuboids.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
distSegPt1: the minimum distance point on the first cuboid.
distSegPt2: the minimum distance point on the second cuboid.
altRoutine: if true, an alternative calculation routine will be used.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getApproxBoxBoxDistance, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a cuboid and a point. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& point,double& dist,C3Vector* boxDistSegPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If true, then the point being fully encompassed by the cuboid will always lead to a distance of zero.
point: position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
boxDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the cuboid.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between a cuboid and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getBoxSegmentCollision(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector) |
Arguments |
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If not, then the segment being fully encompassed by the cuboid will not lead to a collision detection.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxBoxCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a cuboid and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,double& dist,C3Vector* distSegPt1=nullptr,C3Vector* distSegPt2=nullptr,bool altRoutine=false) |
Arguments |
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If true, then the segment being fully encompassed by the cuboid will always lead to a distance of zero.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
boxDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the cuboid.
segmentSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
altRoutine: if true, an alternative calculation routine will be used.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between a cuboid and a triangle. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getBoxTriangleCollision(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w) |
Arguments |
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If not, then the triangle being fully encompassed by the cuboid will not lead to a collision detection.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxBoxCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a cuboid and a triangle. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,double& dist,C3Vector* boxDistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleDistSegPt=nullptr,bool altRoutine=false) |
Arguments |
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If true, then the triangle being fully encompassed by the cuboid will always lead to a distance of zero.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
boxDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the cuboid.
triangleDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
altRoutine: if true, an alternative calculation routine will be used.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Creates a mesh object based on serialization data. |
Synopsis |
CObbStruct* geom_getMeshFromSerializationData(const unsigned char* serializationData) |
Arguments |
Return value |
A pointer to the created mesh object in case of success, nullptr otherwise. |
See also |
geom_getMeshSerializationData |
Description |
Checks for collision between two mesh objects. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshMeshCollision(const CObbStruct* mesh1ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh1Transformation,const CObbStruct* mesh2ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh2Transformation,std::vector* intersections=nullptr,int* mesh1Caching=nullptr,int* mesh2Caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
mesh1ObbStruct: a pointer to the first mesh object.
mesh1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first mesh.
mesh2ObbStruct: a pointer to the second mesh object.
mesh2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second mesh.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (set to nullptr for fast operation).
mesh1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in mesh 1).
mesh2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in mesh 2).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between two mesh objects. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* mesh1ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh1Transformation,const CObbStruct* mesh2ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh2Transformation,double& dist,C3Vector* minDistSegPt1=nullptr,C3Vector* minDistSegPt2=nullptr,int* mesh1Caching=nullptr,int* mesh2Caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
mesh1ObbStruct: a pointer to the first mesh object.
mesh1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first mesh.
mesh2ObbStruct: a pointer to the second mesh object.
mesh2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second mesh.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
minDistSegPt1: the minimum distance point on the first mesh.
minDistSegPt2: the minimum distance point on the second mesh.
mesh1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the first mesh).
mesh2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the second mesh).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between a mesh object and an OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshOctreeCollision(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,int* meshCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
meshCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in the mesh).
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and an OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,double& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,int* meshCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
meshCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a point. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& point,double& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
point: the position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,double& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,int* meshCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
meshCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between a mesh object and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshSegmentCollision(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentExtremity,const C3Vector& segmentVector,std::vector* intersections=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
segmentExtremity: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (where both segment points are always coincident) (set to nullptr for fast operation).
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in the mesh).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshCollision, geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,double& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Retrieves the serialization data from a mesh object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_getMeshSerializationData(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,std::vector& serializationData) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
serializationData: the serialization data.
Return value |
See also |
geom_getMeshFromSerializationData |
Description |
Checks for collision between a mesh object and a triangle. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshTriangleCollision(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,std::vector* intersections=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (set to nullptr for fast operation).
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in the mesh).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshCollision, geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a triangle. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,double& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleMinDistPt=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
triangleMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Creates an OC-tree object based on serialization data. |
Synopsis |
COcStruct* geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData(const unsigned char* serializationData) |
Arguments |
Return value |
A pointer to the created OC-tree object in case of success, nullptr otherwise. |
See also |
geom_getOctreeSerializationData |
Description |
Checks for collision between two OC-tree objects. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision(const COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation,unsigned long long int* oc1Caching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* oc2Caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
oc1Struct: a pointer to the first OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the second OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second OC-tree.
oc1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in OC-tree 1).
oc2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in OC-tree 2).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between two OC-tree objects. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation,double& dist,C3Vector* oc1MinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* oc2MinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* oc1Caching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* oc2Caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
oc1Struct: a pointer to the first OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the second OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
oc1MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the first OC-tree.
oc2MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the second OC-tree.
oc1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the first OC-tree).
oc2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the second OC-tree).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between an OC-tree object and a point. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreePointCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& point,unsigned int* usrData=nullptr,unsigned long long int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
point: a point expressed relative to the world reference frame.
usrData: the user data of the colliding voxel.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a point. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& point,double& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
point: the position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between am OC-tree object and a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr)) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding point in the point-cloud).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,double& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance on the point-cloud).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between an OC-tree object and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentExtremity,const C3Vector& segmentVector,unsigned long long int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
segmentExtremity: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,double& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Retrieves the serialization data from an OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_getOctreeSerializationData(const COcStruct* ocStruct,std::vector& serializationData) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
serializationData: the serialization data.
Return value |
See also |
geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData |
Description |
Checks for collision between an OC-tree object and a triangle. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,unsigned long long int* caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a triangle. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,double& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
triangleMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Retrieves voxel data and optionally user data from an OC-tree. |
Synopsis |
void geom_getOctreeVoxelData(const COcStruct* ocStruct,std::vector& voxelData,std::vector* userData=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
voxelData: the voxel data: for each voxel, there are 3 position values (XYZ) and 3 color values (RGB, 0-1).
userData: the user data: for each voxel, there is one user data value.
Return value |
See also |
Description |
Creates a point-cloud object based on serialization data. |
Synopsis |
CPcStruct* geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData(const unsigned char* serializationData) |
Arguments |
Return value |
A pointer to the created point-cloud object in case of success, nullptr otherwise. |
See also |
geom_getPtcloudSerializationData |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a point-cloud object and a point. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,const C3Vector& point,double& dist,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
point: the position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Retrieves point data from a point-cloud. |
Synopsis |
void geom_getPtcloudPoints(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,std::vector& pointData,double prop=1.0) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pointData: the point data: for each point, there are 3 position values (XYZ) and 3 color values (RGB, 0-1).
prop: the proportion of data to retrieve, on a voxel-basis. 1.0 retrieves all data, 0.25 retrieves 25% of the data.
Return value |
See also |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between two point-cloud objects. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pc1Struct,const C7Vector& pc1Transformation,const CPcStruct* pc2Struct,const C7Vector& pc2Transformation,double& dist,C3Vector* pc1MinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* pc2MinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pc1Caching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pc2Caching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
pc1Struct: a pointer to the first point-cloud object.
pc1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first point-cloud.
pc2Struct: a pointer to the second point-cloud object.
pc2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pc1MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the first point-cloud.
pc2MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the second point-cloud.
pc1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the first point-cloud).
pc2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the second point-cloud).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a point-cloud and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,double& dist,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Retrieves the serialization data from a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_getPtcloudSerializationData(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,std::vector& serializationData) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
serializationData: the serialization data.
Return value |
See also |
geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a point-cloud object and a triangle. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,double& dist,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
triangleMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a segment and a point. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,const C3Vector& point,double& dist,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
point: position of the point
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between two segments. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& segment1EndPoint,const C3Vector& segment1Vector,const C3Vector& segment2EndPoint,const C3Vector& segment2Vector,double& dist,C3Vector* segment1DistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segment2DistSegPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
segment1EndPoint: position of point A on the first segment
segment1Vector: vector stretching from point A to point B on the first segment.
segment2EndPoint: position of point A on the second segment
segment2Vector: vector stretching from point A to point B on the second segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
segment1DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the first segment.
segment2DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the second segment.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a triangle and a point. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,const C3Vector& point,double& dist,C3Vector* triangleDistSegPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
point: position of the point
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
triangleDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between a triangle and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision(const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,std::vector* intersections=nullptr) |
Arguments |
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
intersections: if not nullptr, then a possible collision will be extracted as interference segment (where both segment points are always coincident) (set to nullptr for fast operation).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between a triangle and a segment. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,double& dist,C3Vector* triangleDistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
triangleDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Checks for collision between two triangles. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision(const C3Vector& p1,const C3Vector& v1,const C3Vector& w1,const C3Vector& p2,const C3Vector& v2,const C3Vector& w2,std::vector* intersections=nullptr) |
Arguments |
p1: position of point A on triangle 1.
v1: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 1.
w1: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 1.
p2: position of point A on triangle 2.
v2: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 2.
w2: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 2.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (set to nullptr for fast operation).
Return value |
the collision status |
See also |
geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision |
Description |
Computes the minimum distance between two triangles. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& p1,const C3Vector& v1,const C3Vector& w1,const C3Vector& p2,const C3Vector& v2,const C3Vector& w2,double& dist,C3Vector* triangle1DistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangle2DistSegPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
p1: position of point A on triangle 1.
v1: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 1.
w1: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 1.
p2: position of point A on triangle 2.
v2: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 2.
w2: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 2.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
triangle1DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the first triangle.
triangle2DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the second triangle.
Return value |
whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Inserts points (with individual colors) into an OC-tree, effectively creating OC-tree voxels. |
Synopsis |
void geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const double* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,const unsigned int* usrData=nullptr) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB colors (0-255)of the various points (i.e. one color per point).
usrData: the user data of the various points (i.e. one user data per point).
Return value |
See also |
geom_insertPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree, geom_removePointsFromOctree |
Description |
Inserts points (with individual colors) into point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_insertColorPointsIntoPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const double* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,double proximityTol=0.001 |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB colors (0-255)of the various points (i.e. one color per point).
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value |
See also |
geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_removePointsFromPtcloud, geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud |
Description |
Inserts a mesh object into an OC-tree, effectively creating OC-tree voxels. |
Synopsis |
void geom_insertMeshIntoOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CObbStruct* obbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
obbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value |
See also |
geom_insertPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree, geom_removeMeshFromOctree |
Description |
Inserts an OC-tree object into another OC-tree object, effectively creating OC-tree voxels in the second OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree(COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0) |
Arguments |
oc1Struct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the other OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the other OC-tree object.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value |
See also |
geom_insertPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree, geom_removeOctreeFromOctree |
Description |
Inserts points into an OC-tree, effectively creating OC-tree voxels. |
Synopsis |
void geom_insertPointsIntoOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const double* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value |
See also |
geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree, geom_removePointsFromOctree |
Description |
Inserts points into a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const double* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,double proximityTol=0.001) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated points.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value |
See also |
geom_insertColorPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_removePointsFromPtcloud, geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud |
Description |
Performs an intersection operation between a point-cloud and specific points: point-cloud points within a certain tolerance to the specified points will be kept, others will be removed. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const double* points,int pointCnt,double proximityTol=0.001) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances above the specified value will result in removal of those point-cloud points.
Return value |
See also |
Description |
Checks whether a point lies within a proximity sensor volume. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_isPointInVolume(const double* planesIn,int planesInSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const C3Vector& point) |
Arguments |
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the volume.
point: the point to test.
Return value |
whether the point lies within the sensor's volume. |
See also |
Description |
Computes the distance from a ray-type proximity sensor to a mesh object. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_raySensorDetectMeshIfSmaller(const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,double rayOffset,double rayLength,const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,double& dist,double forbiddenDist=0.0,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,double maxAngle=0.0,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr,bool* forbiddenDistTouched=nullptr) |
Arguments |
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor.
rayOffset: the offset of the ray (i.e. where the ray starts), along its frame's Z-axis.
rayLength: the length of the ray.
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
forbiddenDist: the distance threshold along the sensor's Z-axis, where detection is forbidden. If something is detected in that section of the ray, then the return will be false.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the mesh will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the mesh will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
forbiddenDistTouched: if something was detected in the forbidden section of the sensor, then the value pointed by this pointer will be true.
Return value |
whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_raySensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the distance from a ray-type proximity sensor to an OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_raySensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller(const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,double rayOffset,double rayLength,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,double& dist,double forbiddenDist=0.0,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,double maxAngle=0.0,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr,bool* forbiddenDistTouched=nullptr) |
Arguments |
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor.
rayOffset: the offset of the ray (i.e. where the ray starts), along its frame's Z-axis.
rayLength: the length of the ray.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
forbiddenDist: the distance threshold along the sensor's Z-axis, where detection is forbidden. If something is detected in that section of the ray, then the return will be false.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
forbiddenDistTouched: if something was detected in the forbidden section of the sensor, then the value pointed by this pointer will be true.
Return value |
whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_raySensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Deletes OC-tree voxels that occupy the space of the specified mesh. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_removeMeshFromOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CObbStruct* obbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
obbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
Return value |
true if the OC-tree does not contain any voxels anymore, after this operation. false otherwise. |
See also |
geom_removePointsFromOctree, geom_removeOctreeFromOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree |
Description |
Deletes OC-tree voxels that occupy the space of the other specified OC-tree. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_removeOctreeFromOctree(COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation) |
Arguments |
oc1Struct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the other OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the other OC-tree.
Return value |
true if the OC-tree does not contain any voxels anymore, after this operation. false otherwise. |
See also |
geom_removePointsFromOctree, geom_removeMeshFromOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree |
Description |
Deletes OC-tree voxels that occupy the space of the specified points. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_removePointsFromOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const double* points,int pointCnt) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
Return value |
true if the OC-tree does not contain any voxels anymore, after this operation. false otherwise. |
See also |
geom_removeMeshFromOctree, geom_removeOctreeFromOctree, geom_insertPointsIntoOctree |
Description |
Deletes point-cloud points that occupy the space of the specified OC-tree voxels. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,int* countRemoved=nullptr) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
countRemoved: the number of removed points.
Return value |
true if the point-cloud does not contain any points anymore, after this operation. false otherwise. |
See also |
geom_removePointsFromPtcloud, geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud |
Description |
Deletes point-cloud points that occupy the proximity space of the specified points. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_removePointsFromPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const double* points,int pointCnt,double proximityTol,int* countRemoved=nullptr) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
proximityTol: the proximity tolerance.
countRemoved: the number of removed points.
Return value |
true if the point-cloud does not contain any points anymore, after this operation. false otherwise. |
See also |
geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud, geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud |
Description |
Scales a mesh object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_scaleMesh(CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,double scalingFactor) |
Arguments |
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
scalingFactor: the scaling factor.
Return value |
See also |
Description |
Scales an OC-tree object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_scaleOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,double scalingFactor) |
Arguments |
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
scalingFactor: the scaling factor.
Return value |
See also |
Description |
Scales a point-cloud object. |
Synopsis |
void geom_scalePtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,double scalingFactor) |
Arguments |
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
scalingFactor: the scaling factor.
Return value |
See also |
Description |
Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a mesh object that lie within the sensor's detection volume. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller(const double* planesIn,int planesInSize,const double* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const CObbStruct* obbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,double& dist,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,double maxAngle=0.0,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr) |
Arguments |
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The mesh object (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The mesh object (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the mesh will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the mesh will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
Return value |
whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_raySensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of an OC-tree object that lie within the sensor's detection volume. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller(const double* planesIn,int planesInSize,const double* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,double& dist,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,double maxAngle=0.0,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr) |
Arguments |
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The OC-tree object (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The OC-tree object (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
Return value |
whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_raySensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a point-cloud object that lie within the sensor's detection volume. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller(const double* planesIn,int planesInSize,const double* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,double& dist,bool fast=false,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The point-cloud object (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The point-cloud object (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
Return value |
whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a segment that lie within the sensor's detection volume. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller(const double* planesIn,int planesInSize,const double* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,double& dist,double maxAngle=0.0,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr) |
Arguments |
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The segment (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The segment (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and a perpendicular vector of the segment. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
Return value |
whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller |
Description |
Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a triangle that lie within the sensor's detection volume. |
Synopsis |
bool geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller(const double* planesIn,int planesInSize,const double* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,double& dist,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,double maxAngle=0.0,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr) |
Arguments |
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The triangle (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The triangle (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
frontDetection: if true, the front of the triangle will be detected.
backDetection: if true, the back of the triangle will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the triangle. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the triangle, if return value is true.
Return value |
whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold |
See also |
geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller |