Description |
Computes the HACD convex decomposition of a shape |
Lua synopsis |
int[] convexShapeHandles = simConvex.hacd(int shapeHandle, map params) |
Lua arguments |
shapeHandle: the handle of the shape
params: a map with optional parameters. Can be nil. Allowed parameters are:
- min_cluster_cnt (default: 1)
- max_concavity (default: 100.0)
- max_connection_dist (default: 30.0)
- triangle_cnt_decimated_mesh (default: 500)
- max_vertices_cnt (default: 200)
- small_cluster_detect_threshold (default: 0.25)
- add_extra_pts (default: true)
- add_extra_face_pts (default: true)
Lua return values |
convexShapeHandles: the convex decomposition |
Python synopsis |
list convexShapeHandles = simConvex.hacd(int shapeHandle, dict params) |
See also |
simConvex.vhacd, simConvex.hull |
Description |
Computes the V-HACD convex decomposition of a shape |
Lua synopsis |
int[] convexShapeHandles = simConvex.vhacd(int shapeHandle, map params) |
Lua arguments |
shapeHandle: the handle of the shape
params: a map with optional parameters. Can be nil. Allowed parameters are:
- resolution (default: 100000)
- concavity (default: 0.1)
- plane_downsampling (default: 4)
- hull_downsampling (default: 4)
- alpha (default: 0.05)
- beta (default: 0.05)
- max_vertices (default: 64)
- min_volume (default: 0.0001)
- pca (default: false)
- voxels (default: true)
Lua return values |
convexShapeHandles: the convex decomposition |
Python synopsis |
list convexShapeHandles = simConvex.vhacd(int shapeHandle, dict params) |
See also |
simConvex.hacd, simConvex.hull |
Description |
Computes the convex hull of one or more objects |
Lua synopsis |
int convexShapeHandle = simConvex.hull(int[] objectHandles, float growth = 0.0) |
Lua arguments |
objectHandles: the handles of objects. Only shapes, dummies, OC-trees and point clouds are taken into account
growth: an optional growth
Lua return values |
convexShapeHandle: the convex hull |
Python synopsis |
int convexShapeHandle = simConvex.hull(list objectHandles, float growth = 0.0) |
See also |
simConvex.qhull, simConvex.hacd, simConvex.vhacd |
Description |
Computes the convex hull from 3D points |
Lua synopsis |
float[] vertices, int[] indices = simConvex.qhull(float[] points, float growth = 0.0) |
Lua arguments |
points: an array with consecutive 3D point coordinates
growth: an optional growth
Lua return values |
vertices: the vertices of the convex hull
indices: the indices of the convex hull
Python synopsis |
list vertices, list indices = simConvex.qhull(list points, float growth = 0.0) |
See also |
simConvex.hull |