Calculates an absolute value of each pixel. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.abs(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.abs(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element absolute difference between two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.absdiff(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.absdiff(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element absolute difference between an array and a scalar. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.absdiffK(string handle, float[] k, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
k (table of float): scalar
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.absdiffK(string handle, list k, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element sum of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.add(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.add(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element sum of an array and a scalar. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.addK(string handle, float[] k, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
k (table of float): scalar
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.addK(string handle, list k, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the weighted sum of two arrays, i.e. DST(i) = SRC1(i)*alpha + SRC2(i)*beta + gamma. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.addWeighted(string handle1, string handle2, float alpha, float beta, float gamma, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
alpha (float): alpha coefficient
beta (float): beta coefficient
gamma (float): gamma coefficient
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.addWeighted(string handle1, string handle2, float alpha, float beta, float gamma, bool inPlace=false)
Draw a arrow segment starting from (x1,y1) and pointing to (x2,y2). |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.arrowedLine(string handle, int[2] p1, int[2] p2, int[3] color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0, float tipLength=0.1)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
p1 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of first point
p2 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of second point
color (table of int, size 3): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
thickness (int, default: 1): line thickness
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
tipLength (float, default: 0.1): The length of the arrow tip in relation to the arrow length
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.arrowedLine(string handle, list p1, list p2, list color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0, float tipLength=0.1)
Calculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseAnd(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseAnd(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of an array and a scalar. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseAndK(string handle, float[] k, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
k (table of float): scalar
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseAndK(string handle, list k, bool inPlace=false)
Inverts every bit of an array. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseNot(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseNot(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseOr(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseOr(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of an array and a scalar. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseOrK(string handle, float[] k, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
k (table of float): scalar
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseOrK(string handle, list k, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element bit-wise exclusive-or of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseXor(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseXor(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element bit-wise exclusive-or of an array and a scalar. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseXorK(string handle, float[] k, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
k (table of float): scalar
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.bitwiseXorK(string handle, list k, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates magnitude and angle coordinates of 2D vectors from their x and y coordinates. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle1, string handle2 = simIM.cart2polar(string handle1, string handle2, bool angleInDegrees=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image (x)
handle2 (string): handle to second image (y)
angleInDegrees (bool, default: false): when true, the function calculates the angle in degrees, otherwise, they are measured in radians
Lua return values |
handle1 (string): handle of resulting image (magnitude)
handle2 (string): handle of resulting image (angle)
Python synopsis |
string handle1, string handle2 = simIM.cart2polar(string handle1, string handle2, bool angleInDegrees=false)
Draw a circle with center (cx,cy) and radius r. |
Lua synopsis | handle, int[2] center, int radius, int[3] color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
center (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of center
radius (int): circle radius
color (table of int, size 3): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
thickness (int, default: 1): line thickness (negative values means rect is filled)
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis | handle, list center, int radius, list color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Clips the line against the image rectangle. |
Lua synopsis |
bool valid, int[2] p1, int[2] p2 = simIM.clipLine(string handle, int[2] p1, int[2] p2)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
p1 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of first point
p2 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of second point
Lua return values |
valid (bool): false if the line segment is completely outside the image rectangle, otherwise true.
p1 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of first point
p2 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of second point
Python synopsis |
bool valid, list p1, list p2 = simIM.clipLine(string handle, list p1, list p2)
Close video capture device. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.closeVideoCapture(int deviceIndex)
Lua parameters |
deviceIndex (int): device index (0 based) |
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.closeVideoCapture(int deviceIndex)
Performs the per-element comparison of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = handle1, string handle2, int op, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
op (int): comparison operator
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = handle1, string handle2, int op, bool inPlace=false)
Performs the per-element comparison of an array and scalar value. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.compareK(string handle, float[] k, int op, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
k (table of float): scalar
op (int): comparison operator
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.compareK(string handle, list k, int op, bool inPlace=false)
Convert the image to a different format. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.convert(string handle, int format, float scale=1.0, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
scale (float, default: 1.0): scale factor
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the converted image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.convert(string handle, int format, float scale=1.0, bool inPlace=false)
Copy a (portion of) image to another image. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.copy(string srcHandle, int[2] srcOffset, string dstHandle, int[2] dstOffset, int[2] size)
Lua parameters |
srcHandle (string): handle to source image
srcOffset (table of int, size 2): x, y offset in the source image
dstHandle (string): handle to destination image
dstOffset (table of int, size 2): x, y offset in the destination image
size (table of int, size 2): size (width, height) of the copied region
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.copy(string srcHandle, list srcOffset, string dstHandle, list dstOffset, list size)
Create an image with given size |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.create(int width, int height, int format=simim_fmt_8UC3, int initialValue=0)
Lua parameters |
width (int): width
height (int): height
format (int, default: simim_fmt_8UC3): image format (see simIM.format)
initialValue (int, default: 0): initial value to fill matrix with
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.create(int width, int height, int format=simim_fmt_8UC3, int initialValue=0)
Create an image from given raw data |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.createFromData(int width, int height, buffer data, int format=simim_fmt_8UC3)
Lua parameters |
width (int): width
height (int): height
data (buffer): image data
format (int, default: simim_fmt_8UC3): image format (see simIM.format)
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.createFromData(int width, int height, buffer data, int format=simim_fmt_8UC3)
Encode image data according to "data" URL scheme (RFC 2397) |
Lua synopsis |
string output = simIM.dataURL(string imgHandle, string format='BMP')
Lua parameters |
imgHandle (string): Handle to the image
format (string, default: 'BMP'): Image format (BMP, JPG, or PNG)
Lua return values |
output (string): Buffer with encoded data |
Python synopsis |
string output = simIM.dataURL(string imgHandle, string format='BMP')
Destroy (i.e.: free memory) an image with given handle |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.destroy(string handle)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image |
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.destroy(string handle)
Detect markers in the specified image. |
Lua synopsis |
float[] corners, int[] markerIds, float[] rejectedCandidates = simIM.detectMarkers(string handle, string dictionaryHandle)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to existing image
Lua return values |
corners (table of float): corners of detected markers (4 xy pairs clockwise starting top-left)
markerIds (table of int): ids of detected markers
rejectedCandidates (table of float): corners of rejected candidates (4 xy pairs clockwise starting top-left)
Python synopsis |
list corners, list markerIds, list rejectedCandidates = simIM.detectMarkers(string handle, string dictionaryHandle)
Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.distanceTransform(string handle, int distanceType=simim_dist_L2, int maskSize=simim_masksize_precise, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
distanceType (int, default: simim_dist_L2): type of distance (see simIM.dist)
maskSize (int, default: simim_masksize_precise): mask size (see simIM.masksize)
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.distanceTransform(string handle, int distanceType=simim_dist_L2, int maskSize=simim_masksize_precise, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element division of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.divide(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.divide(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element division of a scalar by an array. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.divideK(float[] k, string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
k (table of float): scalar
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.divideK(list k, string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Get the specified marker dictionary. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.drawMarker(string dictionaryHandle, int markerId, int size, string handle="", int borderSize=1)
Lua parameters |
markerId (int): marker identifier
size (int): size in pixels
handle (string, default: ""): handle to existing image, or "" to create and return a new image
borderSize (int, default: 1): border size
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to new image (or existing image if given) |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.drawMarker(string dictionaryHandle, int markerId, int size, string handle="", int borderSize=1)
Draw an ellipse with center (cx,cy) and axes (rx,ry) points in the image. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.ellipse(string handle, int[2] center, int[2] radius, float angle=0.0, float startAngle=0.0, float endAngle=360.0, int[3] color={255,255,255}, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
center (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of center
radius (table of int, size 2): radius along x and y axis
angle (float, default: 0.0): rotation in degrees
startAngle (float, default: 0.0): starting angle of the elliptic arc in degrees
endAngle (float, default: 360.0): ending angle of the elliptic arc in degrees
color (table of int, size 3, default: {255,255,255}): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
thickness (int, default: 1): line thickness (negative values means rect is filled)
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.ellipse(string handle, list center, list radius, float angle=0.0, float startAngle=0.0, float endAngle=360.0, list color={255,255,255}, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Encode the image to a memory buffer. |
Lua synopsis |
string output = simIM.encode(string handle, string format)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
format (string): image format (e.g. "PNG", "JPG", "BMP")
Lua return values |
output (string): output buffer |
Python synopsis |
string output = simIM.encode(string handle, string format)
Calculates the exponential of every array element. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.exp(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.exp(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Fills a convex polygon. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.fillConvexPoly(string handle, int[] points, int[3] color, int type=8, int shift=0)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
points (table of int): polygon vertices, i.e. {x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN}
color (table of int, size 3): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.fillConvexPoly(string handle, list points, list color, int type=8, int shift=0)
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygon. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.fillPoly(string handle, int[] points, int[] numPoints, int[2] offset, int[3] color, int type=8, int shift=0)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
points (table of int): contour points, i.e. {c1x1, c1y1, c1x2, c1y2, ..., c1xN1, c1yN1, c2x1, c2y1, ..., c2xN2, c2yN2, ..., cMxNM, cMyNM}
numPoints (table of int): lengths of countours, i.e. {N1, N2, ..., NM}. the sum of numPoints items must be equal to the number of x,y pairs in points.
offset (table of int, size 2): x, y offset for all points
color (table of int, size 3): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.fillPoly(string handle, list points, list numPoints, list offset, list color, int type=8, int shift=0)
Flips an image around vertical, horizontal, or both axes. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.flip(string handle, int op=0, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
op (int, default: 0): a flag to specify how to flip the array (see simIM.flipOp)
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.flip(string handle, int op=0, bool inPlace=false)
Get pixel at specified coordinate. |
Lua synopsis |
float[] value = simIM.get(string handle, int[2] coord)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
coord (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates
Lua return values |
value (table of float): value |
Python synopsis |
list value = simIM.get(string handle, list coord)
Get the format of the image. |
Lua synopsis |
int format = simIM.getFormat(string handle)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image |
Lua return values |
Python synopsis |
int format = simIM.getFormat(string handle)
Get the bit size of the specified marker dictionary |
Lua synopsis |
int size = simIM.getMarkerBitSize(int dictType)
Lua parameters |
dictType (int): type of marker dictionary |
Lua return values |
size (int): The bit size of the markers |
Python synopsis |
int size = simIM.getMarkerBitSize(int dictType)
Get the specified marker dictionary. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.getMarkerDictionary(int type)
Lua parameters |
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the dictionary |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.getMarkerDictionary(int type)
Convert the specified grayscale image to RGB. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.gray2rgb(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the converted image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.gray2rgb(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Convert the specified HLS image to RGB. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.hls2rgb(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the converted image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.hls2rgb(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Convert the specified HSV image to RGB. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.hsv2rgb(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the converted image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.hsv2rgb(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Draw a line segment between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) points in the image. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.line(string handle, int[2] p1, int[2] p2, int[3] color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
p1 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of first point
p2 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of second point
color (table of int, size 3): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
thickness (int, default: 1): line thickness
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.line(string handle, list p1, list p2, list color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Calculates the natural logarithm of every array element. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.log(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.log(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the magnitude of 2D vectors, i.e. DST(i) = sqrt(SRC1(i)^2, SRC2(i)^2). |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.magnitude(string handle1, string handle2)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.magnitude(string handle1, string handle2)
Merge many single channel images into a multichannel image. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.merge(string[] handles)
Lua parameters |
handles (table of string): handles to individual channel images |
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to merged image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.merge(list handles)
Mix many single channel images into many multichannel images. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.mixChannels(string[] inputHandles, string[] outputHandles, int[] fromTo)
Lua parameters |
inputHandles (table of string): handles to input images
outputHandles (table of string): handles to output images
fromTo (table of int): array of index pairs, i.e. {src1,dst1,src2,dst2,...,srcN,dstN}. see here for details
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.mixChannels(list inputHandles, list outputHandles, list fromTo)
Calculates the per-element product of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.multiply(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.multiply(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Open video capture device. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.openVideoCapture(int deviceIndex)
Lua parameters |
deviceIndex (int): device index (0 based) |
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.openVideoCapture(int deviceIndex)
Calculates the rotation angle of 2D vectors, i.e. DST(i) = atan2(SRC2(i), SRC1(i)). |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.phase(string handle1, string handle2, bool angleInDegrees=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
angleInDegrees (bool, default: false): when true, the function calculates the angle in degrees, otherwise, they are measured in radians
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.phase(string handle1, string handle2, bool angleInDegrees=false)
Calculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angle. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle1, string handle2 = simIM.polar2cart(string handle1, string handle2, bool angleInDegrees=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image (magnitude)
handle2 (string): handle to second image (angle)
angleInDegrees (bool, default: false): when true, the function calculates the angle in degrees, otherwise, they are measured in radians
Lua return values |
handle1 (string): handle of resulting image (x)
handle2 (string): handle of resulting image (y)
Python synopsis |
string handle1, string handle2 = simIM.polar2cart(string handle1, string handle2, bool angleInDegrees=false)
Draw several polygonal curves. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.polylines(string handle, int[] points, int[] numPoints, bool isClosed, int[3] color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
points (table of int): curve points, i.e. {c1x1, c1y1, c1x2, c1y2, ..., c1xN1, c1yN1, c2x1, c2y1, ..., c2xN2, c2yN2, ..., cMxNM, cMyNM}
numPoints (table of int): lengths of curves, i.e. {N1, N2, ..., NM}. the sum of numPoints items must be equal to the number of x,y pairs in points.
isClosed (bool): Flag indicating whether the drawn polylines are closed or not. If they are closed, the function draws a line from the last vertex of each curve to its first vertex.
color (table of int, size 3): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
thickness (int, default: 1): line thickness
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.polylines(string handle, list points, list numPoints, bool isClosed, list color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Raises every array element to a power. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.pow(string handle, float power, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
power (float): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.pow(string handle, float power, bool inPlace=false)
Read an image from the specified file. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = filename)
Lua parameters |
filename (string): file name |
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = filename)
Read frame from video capture device. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.readFromVideoCapture(int deviceIndex, string handle="")
Lua parameters |
deviceIndex (int): device index (0 based)
handle (string, default: ""): handle to existing image, or "" to create and return a new image
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to new image (or existing image if given) |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.readFromVideoCapture(int deviceIndex, string handle="")
Read image from vision sensor. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.readFromVisionSensor(int sensorHandle, string handle="")
Lua parameters |
sensorHandle (int): handle to vision sensor
handle (string, default: ""): handle to existing image, or "" to create and return a new image
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to new image (or existing image if given) |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.readFromVisionSensor(int sensorHandle, string handle="")
Draw a rectangle with corners (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) points in the image. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.rectangle(string handle, int[2] p1, int[2] p2, int[3] color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
p1 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of top-left corner
p2 (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of bottom-right corner
color (table of int, size 3): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
thickness (int, default: 1): line thickness (negative values means rect is filled)
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
shift (int, default: 0): number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.rectangle(string handle, list p1, list p2, list color, int thickness=1, int type=8, int shift=0)
Reduces a matrix to a vector. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.reduce(string handle, int dim, int op, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
dim (int): dimension index along which the matrix is reduced. 0 means that the matrix is reduced to a single row. 1 means that the matrix is reduced to a single column.
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.reduce(string handle, int dim, int op, bool inPlace=false)
Fills the output array with repeated copies of the input array. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.repeat(string handle, int nx, int ny, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
nx (int): how many times the src is repeated along the horizontal axis
ny (int): how many times the src is repeated along the vertical axis
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.repeat(string handle, int nx, int ny, bool inPlace=false)
Resize an image and return the resized image (original image is not modified). |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.resize(string handle, int width, int height, int interpolation=simim_interp_linear, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
width (int): width of the new image
height (int): height of the new image
interpolation (int, default: simim_interp_linear): type of interpolation (see simIM.interp)
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to resized image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.resize(string handle, int width, int height, int interpolation=simim_interp_linear, bool inPlace=false)
Convert the specified RGB image to gray. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.rgb2gray(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the converted image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.rgb2gray(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Convert the specified RGB image to HLS. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.rgb2hls(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the converted image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.rgb2hls(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Convert the specified RGB image to HSV. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.rgb2hsv(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle to the converted image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.rgb2hsv(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the sum of a scaled array and another array, i.e. DST(i) = SRC1(i)*scale + SRC2(i). |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.scaleAdd(string handle1, string handle2, float alpha, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
alpha (float): scale coefficient
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.scaleAdd(string handle1, string handle2, float alpha, bool inPlace=false)
Set pixel at specified coordinate. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.set(string handle, int[2] coord, float[] value)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
coord (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates
value (table of float): value
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.set(string handle, list coord, list value)
Get the size of an image. |
Lua synopsis |
int[2] size = simIM.size(string handle)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image |
Lua return values |
size (table of int, size 2): size (width, height) of the image |
Python synopsis |
list size = simIM.size(string handle)
Split a multichannel image. |
Lua synopsis |
string[] handles = simIM.split(string handle)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image |
Lua return values |
handles (table of string): handles to individual channel images |
Python synopsis |
list handles = simIM.split(string handle)
Calculates the square root of every array element. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.sqrt(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.sqrt(string handle, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element difference of two arrays. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.subtract(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle1 (string): handle to first image
handle2 (string): handle to second image
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.subtract(string handle1, string handle2, bool inPlace=false)
Calculates the per-element difference of an array and a scalar. |
Lua synopsis |
string handle = simIM.subtractK(string handle, float[] k, bool inPlace=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
k (table of float): scalar
inPlace (bool, default: false): if true, the original immage will be converted in place. otherwise, the original image will not be modified and a new image is returned.
Lua return values |
handle (string): handle of resulting image |
Python synopsis |
string handle = simIM.subtractK(string handle, list k, bool inPlace=false)
Drawn a text string. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.text(string handle, string str, int[2] pos, int fontFace=simim_fontface_simplex, bool italic=false, float fontScale=1.0, int[3] color={255,255,255}, int thickness=1, int type=8, bool bottomLeftOrigin=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
str (string): text string to be drawn
pos (table of int, size 2): x, y coordinates of the origin (bottom-left corner of the string)
fontFace (int, default: simim_fontface_simplex): font face (see simIM.fontFace)
italic (bool, default: false): if true text will have italic style
fontScale (float, default: 1.0): font scale
color (table of int, size 3, default: {255,255,255}): color (red, green, blue values in range 0..255)
thickness (int, default: 1): thickness used to draw a text
type (int, default: 8): type of the line (8 for 8-connected line, 4 for 4-connected line, or 16 for antialiased line)
bottomLeftOrigin (bool, default: false): When true, the image data origin is at the bottom-left corner. Otherwise, it is at the top-left corner
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.text(string handle, string str, list pos, int fontFace=simim_fontface_simplex, bool italic=false, float fontScale=1.0, list color={255,255,255}, int thickness=1, int type=8, bool bottomLeftOrigin=false)
Calculates the width and height of a text string. |
Lua synopsis |
int width, int height, int baseline = simIM.textSize(string str, int fontFace=simim_fontface_simplex, bool italic=false, float fontScale=1.0, int thickness=1)
Lua parameters |
str (string): text string to be drawn
fontFace (int, default: simim_fontface_simplex): font face (see simIM.fontFace)
italic (bool, default: false): if true text will have italic style
fontScale (float, default: 1.0): font scale
thickness (int, default: 1): thickness used to draw a text
Lua return values |
width (int): width of the text
height (int): height of the text
baseline (int): y-coordinate of the baseline relative to the bottom-most text point
Python synopsis |
int width, int height, int baseline = simIM.textSize(string str, int fontFace=simim_fontface_simplex, bool italic=false, float fontScale=1.0, int thickness=1)
Write the image with given handle to a file. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.write(string handle, string filename)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
filename (string): file name
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.write(string handle, string filename)
Write image to texture. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.writeToTexture(string handle, int textureId)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to existing image
textureId (int): texture id
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.writeToTexture(string handle, int textureId)
Write image to vision sensor. Make sure the vision sensor is flagged as external input. |
Lua synopsis |
simIM.writeToVisionSensor(string handle, int sensorHandle)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): handle to image
sensorHandle (int): handle to vision sensor
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simIM.writeToVisionSensor(string handle, int sensorHandle)