Adds a curve to a plot widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.addCurve(string handle, int id, int type, string name, int[3] color, int style, curve_options options)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
name (string): name of the curve
color (table of int, size 3): color of the curve, as RGB values in the 0...255 range
options (curve_options): data structure holding extra options. see curve_options.
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.addCurve(string handle, int id, int type, string name, list color, int style, curve_options options)
See also
simUI.curve_type simUI.curve_style curve_options simUI.addCurveTimePoints simUI.addCurveXYPoints simUI.clearCurve simUI.getCurveData simUI.growPlotRanges simUI.growPlotXRange simUI.growPlotYRange simUI.removeCurve simUI.replot simUI.rescaleAxes simUI.rescaleAxesAll simUI.setLegendVisibility simUI.setMouseOptions simUI.setPlotLabels simUI.setPlotRanges simUI.setPlotXLabel simUI.setPlotXRange simUI.setPlotYLabel simUI.setPlotYRange simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Adds points to the specified curve of the plot widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.addCurveXYPoints(string handle, int id, string name, float[] t, float[] x, float[] y)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
name (string): name of the curve
t (table of float): t values (i.e. the curve parameter, used also to determine how points are connected, according to natural ordering of t)
x (table of float): x values
y (table of float): y values
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.addCurveXYPoints(string handle, int id, string name, list t, list x, list y)
See also
simUI.addCurve simUI.addCurveTimePoints simUI.clearCurve simUI.getCurveData simUI.growPlotRanges simUI.growPlotXRange simUI.growPlotYRange simUI.removeCurve simUI.replot simUI.rescaleAxes simUI.rescaleAxesAll simUI.setLegendVisibility simUI.setMouseOptions simUI.setPlotLabels simUI.setPlotRanges simUI.setPlotXLabel simUI.setPlotXRange simUI.setPlotYLabel simUI.setPlotYRange simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Add an item to the specified tree widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.addTreeItem(string handle, int id, int item_id, string[] text, int parent_id=0, bool expanded=false, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
item_id (int): item id
text (table of string): item text fields
parent_id (int, default: 0): parent item id (0 means a toplevel item)
expanded (bool, default: false): if true, the item will be in expanded state
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.addTreeItem(string handle, int id, int item_id, list text, int parent_id=0, bool expanded=false, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.clearTree simUI.collapseAll simUI.expandAll simUI.expandToDepth simUI.getColumnCount simUI.removeTreeItem simUI.restoreState simUI.saveState simUI.setColumnCount simUI.setColumnHeaderText simUI.setColumnWidth simUI.setTreeSelection simUI.updateTreeItemParent simUI.updateTreeItemText simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Append text in a text-browser widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.appendText(string handle, int id, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
text (string): text content
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.appendText(string handle, int id, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.setText simUI.setUrl simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Display a color dialog. |
Lua synopsis |
float[3] result = simUI.colorDialog(float[3..4] initColor={1,1,1}, string title="Select color", bool showAlphaChannel=false, bool native=true)
Lua parameters |
initColor (table of float, size 3..4, default: {1,1,1}): initial color
title (string, default: "Select color"): the title of the dialog
showAlphaChannel (bool, default: false): allow the user to select the alpha component of a color
native (bool, default: true): use OS-native file dialogs
Lua return values |
result (table of float, size 3): result |
Python synopsis |
list result = simUI.colorDialog(list initColor={1,1,1}, string title="Select color", bool showAlphaChannel=false, bool native=true)
Display a file dialog. |
Lua synopsis |
string[] result = simUI.fileDialog(int type, string title, string startPath, string initName, string extName, string ext, bool native=false)
Lua parameters |
type (int): type
title (string): title
startPath (string): start path
initName (string): initial file name
extName (string): the name of the extension
ext (string): the actual extension
native (bool, default: false): use OS-native file dialogs
Lua return values |
result (table of string): result, or empty if user clicked cancel |
Python synopsis |
list result = simUI.fileDialog(int type, string title, string startPath, string initName, string extName, string ext, bool native=false)
returns the current state of the modifier keys on the keyboard |
Lua synopsis |
keyboard_modifiers m = simUI.getKeyboardModifiers()
Lua parameters |
- |
Lua return values |
Python synopsis |
keyboard_modifiers m = simUI.getKeyboardModifiers()
Get the visibility status of a widget. |
Lua synopsis |
bool visibility = simUI.getWidgetVisibility(string handle, int id)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
Lua return values |
visibility (bool): true if the window is visible, false otherwise |
Python synopsis |
bool visibility = simUI.getWidgetVisibility(string handle, int id)
See also
simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Increase the ranges of the plot widget by a fixed amount. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.growPlotRanges(string handle, int id, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
xmin (float): minimum x range
xmax (float): maximum x range
ymin (float): minimum y range
ymax (float): maximum y range
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.growPlotRanges(string handle, int id, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax)
See also
simUI.addCurve simUI.addCurveTimePoints simUI.addCurveXYPoints simUI.clearCurve simUI.getCurveData simUI.growPlotXRange simUI.growPlotYRange simUI.removeCurve simUI.replot simUI.rescaleAxes simUI.rescaleAxesAll simUI.setLegendVisibility simUI.setMouseOptions simUI.setPlotLabels simUI.setPlotRanges simUI.setPlotXLabel simUI.setPlotXRange simUI.setPlotYLabel simUI.setPlotYRange simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Display an input dialog. |
Lua synopsis |
string result = simUI.inputDialog(string initValue="", string label="Input value:", string title="")
Lua parameters |
initValue (string, default: ""): initial value
label (string, default: "Input value:"): label above the input field
title (string, default: ""): title of input dialog
Lua return values |
result (string): result |
Python synopsis |
string result = simUI.inputDialog(string initValue="", string label="Input value:", string title="")
Insert an item in a combobox widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.insertComboboxItem(string handle, int id, int index, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
index (int): If the index is equal to or higher than the total number of items, the new item is appended to the list of existing items. If the index is zero or negative, the new item is prepended to the list of existing items.
text (string): Item text.
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.insertComboboxItem(string handle, int id, int index, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getComboboxItemCount simUI.getComboboxItemText simUI.getComboboxItems simUI.getComboboxSelectedIndex simUI.removeComboboxItem simUI.setComboboxItems simUI.setComboboxSelectedIndex simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
insert a column in a table widget |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.insertTableColumn(int ui, int widget, int index)
Lua parameters |
ui (int): the ui handle
widget (int): the widget identifier
index (int): the index (0-based) where the new column will appear
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.insertTableColumn(int ui, int widget, int index)
insert a row in a table widget |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.insertTableRow(int ui, int widget, int index)
Lua parameters |
ui (int): the ui handle
widget (int): the widget identifier
index (int): the index (0-based) where the new row will appear
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.insertTableRow(int ui, int widget, int index)
Display a message box. |
Lua synopsis |
int result = simUI.msgBox(int type, int buttons, string title, string message)
Lua parameters |
type (int): type
buttons (int): buttons
title (string): title
message (string): message
Lua return values |
result (int): result |
Python synopsis |
int result = simUI.msgBox(int type, int buttons, string title, string message)
Returns the version of the Qt library. |
Lua synopsis |
int[] version = simUI.qtVersion()
Lua parameters |
- |
Lua return values |
version (table of int): version number components as an array |
Python synopsis |
list version = simUI.qtVersion()
remove a column from a table widget |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.removeTableColumn(int ui, int widget, int index)
Lua parameters |
ui (int): the ui handle
widget (int): the widget identifier
index (int): the column index (0-based) to remove
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.removeTableColumn(int ui, int widget, int index)
remove a row from a table widget |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.removeTableRow(int ui, int widget, int index)
Lua parameters |
ui (int): the ui handle
widget (int): the widget identifier
index (int): the row index (0-based) to remove
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.removeTableRow(int ui, int widget, int index)
Rescales the axes such that the specified curve in the plot is fully visible. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.rescaleAxes(string handle, int id, string name, bool onlyEnlargeX=false, bool onlyEnlargeY=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
name (string): name of the curve
onlyEnlargeX (bool, default: false): makes sure the x ranges are only expanded, never reduced
onlyEnlargeY (bool, default: false): makes sure the x ranges are only expanded, never reduced
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.rescaleAxes(string handle, int id, string name, bool onlyEnlargeX=false, bool onlyEnlargeY=false)
See also
simUI.addCurve simUI.addCurveTimePoints simUI.addCurveXYPoints simUI.clearCurve simUI.getCurveData simUI.growPlotRanges simUI.growPlotXRange simUI.growPlotYRange simUI.removeCurve simUI.replot simUI.rescaleAxesAll simUI.setLegendVisibility simUI.setMouseOptions simUI.setPlotLabels simUI.setPlotRanges simUI.setPlotXLabel simUI.setPlotXRange simUI.setPlotYLabel simUI.setPlotYRange simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Rescales the axes such that all curves in the plot are fully visible. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.rescaleAxesAll(string handle, int id, bool onlyEnlargeX=false, bool onlyEnlargeY=false)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
onlyEnlargeX (bool, default: false): makes sure the x ranges are only expanded, never reduced
onlyEnlargeY (bool, default: false): makes sure the x ranges are only expanded, never reduced
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.rescaleAxesAll(string handle, int id, bool onlyEnlargeX=false, bool onlyEnlargeY=false)
See also
simUI.addCurve simUI.addCurveTimePoints simUI.addCurveXYPoints simUI.clearCurve simUI.getCurveData simUI.growPlotRanges simUI.growPlotXRange simUI.growPlotYRange simUI.removeCurve simUI.replot simUI.rescaleAxes simUI.setLegendVisibility simUI.setMouseOptions simUI.setPlotLabels simUI.setPlotRanges simUI.setPlotXLabel simUI.setPlotXRange simUI.setPlotYLabel simUI.setPlotYRange simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set the value of a checkbox widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setCheckboxValue(string handle, int id, int value, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
value (int): value
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setCheckboxValue(string handle, int id, int value, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getCheckboxValue simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Populate a combobox widget with the specified items, and set the selected item to the specified index. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setComboboxItems(string handle, int id, string[] items, int index, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
items (table of string): Array of items (strings).
index (int): Index of selected item after inserting all the items.
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setComboboxItems(string handle, int id, list items, int index, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getComboboxItemCount simUI.getComboboxItemText simUI.getComboboxItems simUI.getComboboxSelectedIndex simUI.insertComboboxItem simUI.removeComboboxItem simUI.setComboboxSelectedIndex simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set the current tab index in a tabs widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setCurrentTab(string handle, int id, int index, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
index (int): index of the tab (zero-based)
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setCurrentTab(string handle, int id, int index, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getCurrentTab simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Enable or disable a widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setEnabled(string handle, int id, bool enabled, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
enabled (bool): enabled
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setEnabled(string handle, int id, bool enabled, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set image content using specified bitmap (RGB888) data. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setImageData(string handle, int id, buffer data, int width, int height)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): id of a image widget
data (buffer): image byte data
width (int): width of the image
height (int): height of the image
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setImageData(string handle, int id, buffer data, int width, int height)
See also
simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Change item value in the specified table widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setItem(string handle, int id, int row, int column, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
row (int): row index
column (int): column index
text (string): item value
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setItem(string handle, int id, int row, int column, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.clearTable simUI.getColumnCount simUI.getItem simUI.getRowCount simUI.restoreState simUI.saveState simUI.setColumnCount simUI.setColumnHeaderText simUI.setColumnWidth simUI.setItemEditable simUI.setItemImage simUI.setItems simUI.setRowCount simUI.setRowHeaderText simUI.setRowHeight simUI.setTableSelection simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Change item image in the specified table widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setItemImage(string handle, int id, int row, int column, string data, int width, int height, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
row (int): row index
column (int): column index
data (string): image data
width (int): image width
height (int): image height
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setItemImage(string handle, int id, int row, int column, string data, int width, int height, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.clearTable simUI.getColumnCount simUI.getItem simUI.getRowCount simUI.restoreState simUI.saveState simUI.setColumnCount simUI.setColumnHeaderText simUI.setColumnWidth simUI.setItem simUI.setItemEditable simUI.setItems simUI.setRowCount simUI.setRowHeaderText simUI.setRowHeight simUI.setTableSelection simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set the text of a label widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setLabelText(string handle, int id, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
text (string): text
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setLabelText(string handle, int id, string text, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getLabelText simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set plot widget options for interacting with mouse. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setMouseOptions(string handle, int id, bool panX, bool panY, bool zoomX, bool zoomY)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
panX (bool): if true, panning (by dragging with the mouse) the X axis is allowed
panY (bool): if true, panning (by dragging with the mouse) the Y axis is allowed
zoomX (bool): if true, zooming (by mouse wheel) the X axis is allowed
zoomY (bool): if true, zooming (by mouse wheel) the Y axis is allowed
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setMouseOptions(string handle, int id, bool panX, bool panY, bool zoomX, bool zoomY)
See also
simUI.addCurve simUI.addCurveTimePoints simUI.addCurveXYPoints simUI.clearCurve simUI.getCurveData simUI.growPlotRanges simUI.growPlotXRange simUI.growPlotYRange simUI.removeCurve simUI.replot simUI.rescaleAxes simUI.rescaleAxesAll simUI.setLegendVisibility simUI.setPlotLabels simUI.setPlotRanges simUI.setPlotXLabel simUI.setPlotXRange simUI.setPlotYLabel simUI.setPlotYRange simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set the ranges of the plot widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setPlotRanges(string handle, int id, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
xmin (float): minimum x range
xmax (float): maximum x range
ymin (float): minimum y range
ymax (float): maximum y range
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setPlotRanges(string handle, int id, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax)
See also
simUI.addCurve simUI.addCurveTimePoints simUI.addCurveXYPoints simUI.clearCurve simUI.getCurveData simUI.growPlotRanges simUI.growPlotXRange simUI.growPlotYRange simUI.removeCurve simUI.replot simUI.rescaleAxes simUI.rescaleAxesAll simUI.setLegendVisibility simUI.setMouseOptions simUI.setPlotLabels simUI.setPlotXLabel simUI.setPlotXRange simUI.setPlotYLabel simUI.setPlotYRange simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setProperties(string handle, int id, string[] pnames, string[] ptypes, string[] pvalues, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
pnames (table of string)
ptypes (table of string)
pvalues (table of string)
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setProperties(string handle, int id, list pnames, list ptypes, list pvalues, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setPropertiesRow(string handle, int id, int row, string pname, string ptype, string pvalue, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
row (int)
pname (string)
ptype (string)
pvalue (string)
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setPropertiesRow(string handle, int id, int row, string pname, string ptype, string pvalue, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setPropertiesSelection(string handle, int id, int row, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
row (int)
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setPropertiesSelection(string handle, int id, int row, bool suppressEvents=true)
Set the value of a radiobutton widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setRadiobuttonValue(string handle, int id, int value, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
value (int): value
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setRadiobuttonValue(string handle, int id, int value, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getRadiobuttonValue simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
polymorphic version of the onSetScene3DNodeXXXParam() functions |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeParam(int ui, int widget, int nodeId, string paramName, any paramValue)
Lua parameters |
ui (int): the ui handle
widget (int): the widget identifier
nodeId (int): the node id
paramName (string): the parameter name
paramValue (any): the parameter value
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeParam(int ui, int widget, int nodeId, string paramName, any paramValue)
Set node vector2 parameter in a scene3d widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeVector2Param(string handle, int id, int nodeId, string paramName, float x, float y)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
nodeId (int): node id
paramName (string): name of parameter
x (float): value of first component
y (float): value of second component
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeVector2Param(string handle, int id, int nodeId, string paramName, float x, float y)
See also
simUI.addScene3DNode simUI.removeScene3DNode simUI.setScene3DNodeEnabled simUI.setScene3DNodeFloatParam simUI.setScene3DNodeIntParam simUI.setScene3DNodeStringParam simUI.setScene3DNodeVector3Param simUI.setScene3DNodeVector4Param simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set node vector3 parameter in a scene3d widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeVector3Param(string handle, int id, int nodeId, string paramName, float x, float y, float z)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
nodeId (int): node id
paramName (string): name of parameter
x (float): value of first component
y (float): value of second component
z (float): value of third component
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeVector3Param(string handle, int id, int nodeId, string paramName, float x, float y, float z)
See also
simUI.addScene3DNode simUI.removeScene3DNode simUI.setScene3DNodeEnabled simUI.setScene3DNodeFloatParam simUI.setScene3DNodeIntParam simUI.setScene3DNodeStringParam simUI.setScene3DNodeVector2Param simUI.setScene3DNodeVector4Param simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set node vector4 parameter in a scene3d widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeVector4Param(string handle, int id, int nodeId, string paramName, float x, float y, float z, float w)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
nodeId (int): node id
paramName (string): name of parameter
x (float): value of first component
y (float): value of second component
z (float): value of third component
w (float): value of fourth component
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setScene3DNodeVector4Param(string handle, int id, int nodeId, string paramName, float x, float y, float z, float w)
See also
simUI.addScene3DNode simUI.removeScene3DNode simUI.setScene3DNodeEnabled simUI.setScene3DNodeFloatParam simUI.setScene3DNodeIntParam simUI.setScene3DNodeStringParam simUI.setScene3DNodeVector2Param simUI.setScene3DNodeVector3Param simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set the value of a slider widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setSliderValue(string handle, int id, int value, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
value (int): value
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setSliderValue(string handle, int id, int value, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getSliderValue simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set the value of a spinbox widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setSpinboxValue(string handle, int id, float value, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
value (float): value
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setSpinboxValue(string handle, int id, float value, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.getSpinboxValue simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set the stylesheet of a widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setStyleSheet(string handle, int id, string styleSheet)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
styleSheet (string): stylesheet data
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setStyleSheet(string handle, int id, string styleSheet)
See also
simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Set selection in a table widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setTableSelection(string handle, int id, int row, int column, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
row (int): row index
column (int): column index
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setTableSelection(string handle, int id, int row, int column, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.clearTable simUI.getColumnCount simUI.getItem simUI.getRowCount simUI.restoreState simUI.saveState simUI.setColumnCount simUI.setColumnHeaderText simUI.setColumnWidth simUI.setItem simUI.setItemEditable simUI.setItemImage simUI.setItems simUI.setRowCount simUI.setRowHeaderText simUI.setRowHeight simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility
Hide or show a widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.setWidgetVisibility(string handle, int id, bool visibility)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
visibility (bool): true if the window is visible, false otherwise
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.setWidgetVisibility(string handle, int id, bool visibility)
See also
simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet
Return a list of supported image formats |
Lua synopsis |
string[] formatList, string formatListStr = simUI.supportedImageFormats(string separator=nil)
Lua parameters |
separator (string, default: nil): if provided, also a string of formats concatenated by separator will be returned |
Lua return values |
formatList (table of string): list of formats, each item will be the file extension of the format
formatListStr (string): concatenated list of formats, if separator is provided
Python synopsis |
list formatList, string formatListStr = simUI.supportedImageFormats(string separator=nil)
Modify the parent of an existing item in the specified tree widget. |
Lua synopsis |
simUI.updateTreeItemParent(string handle, int id, int item_id, int parent_id, bool suppressEvents=true)
Lua parameters |
handle (string): ui handle
id (int): widget id
item_id (int): item id
parent_id (int): parent id
suppressEvents (bool, default: true): if true, no event will be generated from this call
Lua return values |
- |
Python synopsis |
simUI.updateTreeItemParent(string handle, int id, int item_id, int parent_id, bool suppressEvents=true)
See also
simUI.addTreeItem simUI.clearTree simUI.collapseAll simUI.expandAll simUI.expandToDepth simUI.getColumnCount simUI.removeTreeItem simUI.restoreState simUI.saveState simUI.setColumnCount simUI.setColumnHeaderText simUI.setColumnWidth simUI.setTreeSelection simUI.updateTreeItemText simUI.getWidgetVisibility simUI.setEnabled simUI.setStyleSheet simUI.setWidgetVisibility