Coppelia Geometric Routines, API reference

All units, unless otherwise indicated, are specified in meters and radians.


Mesh creation/destruction/manipulation/info


OC-tree creation/destruction/manipulation/info


Point-cloud creation/destruction/manipulation/info


Mesh collision detection


OC-tree collision detection


Point-cloud collision detection


Primitives collision detection


Mesh minimum distance calculation


OC-tree minimum distance calculation


Point-cloud minimum distance calculation


Primitives minimum distance calculation


Proximity sensor simulation


Other API functions



Description Duplicates a mesh object.
Synopsis CObbStruct* geom_copyMesh(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct)
meshObbStruct: the mesh object to duplicate.
Return value A pointer to the duplicated mesh object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also geom_createMesh


Description Duplicates an OC-tree object.
Synopsis COcStruct* geom_copyOctree(const COcStruct* ocStruct)
ocStruct: the OC-tree object to duplicate.
Return value A pointer to the duplicated OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also


Description Duplicates a point-cloud object.
Synopsis CPcStruct* geom_copyPtcloud(const CPcStruct* pcStruct)
pcStruct: the point-cloud object to duplicate.
Return value A pointer to the duplicated point-cloud object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also


Description Creates a mesh object.
Synopsis CObbStruct* geom_createMesh(const simReal* vertices,int verticesSize,const int* indices,int indicesSize,const C7Vector* meshOrigin=nullptr,simReal triangleEdgeMaxLength=simReal(0.3),int maxTrianglesInBoundingBox=8)
vertices: an array with the vertices of the mesh, expressed relative to the world origin.
verticesSize: the size of the vertex array, i.e. 3*vertexCount.
indices: an array with the indices of the mesh.
indicesSize: the size of the index array, i.e. each triangle takes 3 indices.
meshOrigin: the transformation frame of the mesh. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the mesh is located at the world origin.
triangleEdgeMaxLength: the maximum triangle size used internally for efficient calculations. A smaller size usually results in faster calculations, but larger calculation structures.
maxTrianglesInBoundingBox: the maximum number of triangles in leaf bounding boxes, used internally for efficient calculations. A smaller value usually results in faster calculations, but larger calculation structures.
Return value A pointer to the mesh object in case of success, nullptr otherwise
See also geom_destroyMesh, geom_copyMesh, geom_getMeshFromSerializationData


Description Creates an OC-tree object from several points with individual colors and individual user data.
Synopsis COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints(const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* octreeOrigin=nullptr,simReal cellS=simReal(0.05),const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,const unsigned int* usrData=nullptr)
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
octreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the OC-tree is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB colors (0-255)of the various points (i.e. one color per point).
usrData: the user data of the various points (i.e. one user data per point).
Return value A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also geom_createOctreeFromPoints, geom_createOctreeFromMesh, geom_createOctreeFromOctree, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData, geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree


Description Creates an OC-tree object from a mesh object.
Synopsis COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromMesh(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C7Vector* octreeOrigin=nullptr,simReal cellS=simReal(0.05),const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0)
meshObbStruct: the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh object.
octreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the OC-tree is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also geom_createOctreeFromPoints,geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints, geom_createOctreeFromOctree, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData


Description Creates an OC-tree object from another OC-tree object.
Synopsis COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromOctree(const COcStruct* otherOctreeStruct,const C7Vector& otherOctreeTransformation,const C7Vector* newOctreeOrigin=nullptr,simReal newOctreeCellS=simReal(0.05),const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0)
otherOctreeStruct: the other OC-tree object.
otherOctreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the other OC-tree object.
newOctreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the new OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the new OC-tree is located at the world origin.
newOctreeCellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also geom_createOctreeFromPoints,geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints, geom_createOctreeFromMesh, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData


Description Creates an OC-tree object from several points.
Synopsis COcStruct* geom_createOctreeFromPoints(const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* octreeOrigin=nullptr,simReal cellS=simReal(0.05),const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0)
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
octreeOrigin: the transformation frame of the OC-tree. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the OC-tree is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired OC-tree voxel size.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value A pointer to an OC-tree object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also geom_createOctreeFromColorPoints, geom_createOctreeFromMesh, geom_createOctreeFromOctree, geom_destroyOctree, geom_copyOctree, geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData, geom_insertPointsIntoOctree


Description Creates a point-cloud object from several points with individual colors.
Synopsis CPcStruct* geom_createPtcloudFromColorPoints(const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* ptcloudOrigin=nullptr,simReal cellS=simReal(0.05),int maxPointCnt=20,const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,simReal proximityTol=simReal(0.005))
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
ptcloudOrigin: the transformation frame of the point-cloud. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the point-cloud is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired voxel size of the underlying OC-tree.
maxPointCnt: The maximum amount of points inside of a OC-tree voxel.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated points. Specify one color per point.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value A pointer to a point-cloud object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also geom_createPtcloudFromPoints, geom_destroyPtcloud, geom_copyPtcloud, geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData, geom_insertColorPointsIntoPtcloud


Description Creates a point-cloud object from several points.
Synopsis CPcStruct* geom_createPtcloudFromPoints(const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const C7Vector* ptcloudOrigin=nullptr,simReal cellS=simReal(0.05),int maxPointCnt=20,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,simReal proximityTol=simReal(0.005))
points: an array with point data, expressed relative to the world origin.
pointCnt: the number of provided points.
ptcloudOrigin: the transformation frame of the point-cloud. Can be nullptr, in which case the frame of the point-cloud is located at the world origin.
cellS: The desired voxel size of the underlying OC-tree.
maxPointCnt: The maximum amount of points inside of a OC-tree voxel.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated points.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value A pointer to a point-cloud object in case of success, otherwise nullptr.
See also geom_createPtcloudFromColorPoints, geom_destroyPtcloud, geom_copyPtcloud, geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData, geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud


Description Destroys a mesh object.
Synopsis void geom_destroyMesh(CObbStruct* meshObbStruct)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
Return value
See also geom_createMesh


Description Destroys an OC-tree object.
Synopsis void geom_destroyOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
Return value
See also geom_createOctreeFromPoints


Description Destroys a point-cloud object.
Synopsis void geom_destroyPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
Return value
See also geom_createPtcloudFromPoints


Description Computes a fast, approximate minimum distance between two cuboids. The approximate distance is always same or smaller than the exact distance.
Synopsis simReal geom_getApproxBoxBoxDistance(const C7Vector& box1Transformation,const C3Vector& box1HalfSize,const C7Vector& box2Transformation,const C3Vector& box2HalfSize)
box1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first cuboid.
box1HalfSize: the half-size of the first cuboid.
box2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second cuboid.
box2HalfSize: the half-size of the second cuboid.
Return value the approximate minimum distance between the two cuboids. The approximate distance is always same or smaller than the exact distance.
See also geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between two cuboids.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxBoxCollision(const C7Vector& box1Transformation,const C3Vector& box1HalfSize,const C7Vector& box2Transformation,const C3Vector& box2HalfSize,bool boxesAreSolid)
box1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first cuboid.
box1HalfSize: the half-size of the first cuboid.
box2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second cuboid.
box2HalfSize: the half-size of the second cuboid.
boxesAreSolid: whether the two cuboids are solid. If not, then cuboid A being fully encompassed by cuboid B will not lead to a collision detection.
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between two cuboids.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& box1Transformation,const C3Vector& box1HalfSize,const C7Vector& box2Transformation,const C3Vector& box2HalfSize,bool boxesAreSolid,simReal& dist,C3Vector* distSegPt1=nullptr,C3Vector* distSegPt2=nullptr,bool altRoutine=false)
box1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first cuboid.
box1HalfSize: the half-size of the first cuboid.
box2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second cuboid.
box2HalfSize: the half-size of the second cuboid.
boxesAreSolid: whether the two cuboids are solid. If true, then cuboid A being fully encompassed by cuboid B will always lead to a distance of zero between the two cuboids.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
distSegPt1: the minimum distance point on the first cuboid.
distSegPt2: the minimum distance point on the second cuboid.
altRoutine: if true, an alternative calculation routine will be used.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getApproxBoxBoxDistance, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between a cuboid and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxPointCollision(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,const C3Vector& point)
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
point: point position.
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getOctreePointCollision, geom_getBoxBoxCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between a cuboid and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& point,simReal& dist,C3Vector* boxDistSegPt=nullptr)
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If true, then the point being fully encompassed by the cuboid will always lead to a distance of zero.
point: position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
boxDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the cuboid.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between a cuboid and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxSegmentCollision(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector)
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If not, then the segment being fully encompassed by the cuboid will not lead to a collision detection.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxBoxCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between a cuboid and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,simReal& dist,C3Vector* distSegPt1=nullptr,C3Vector* distSegPt2=nullptr,bool altRoutine=false)
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If true, then the segment being fully encompassed by the cuboid will always lead to a distance of zero.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
boxDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the cuboid.
segmentSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
altRoutine: if true, an alternative calculation routine will be used.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between a cuboid and a triangle.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxTriangleCollision(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w)
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If not, then the triangle being fully encompassed by the cuboid will not lead to a collision detection.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxBoxCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between a cuboid and a triangle.
Synopsis bool geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const C7Vector& boxTransformation,const C3Vector& boxHalfSize,bool boxIsSolid,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,simReal& dist,C3Vector* boxDistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleDistSegPt=nullptr,bool altRoutine=false)
boxTransformation: the transformation frame of the cuboid.
boxHalfSize: the half-size of the cuboid.
boxIsSolid: whether the cuboid is solid. If true, then the triangle being fully encompassed by the cuboid will always lead to a distance of zero.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
boxDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the cuboid.
triangleDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
altRoutine: if true, an alternative calculation routine will be used.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxBoxDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Creates a mesh object based on serialization data.
Synopsis CObbStruct* geom_getMeshFromSerializationData(const unsigned char* serializationData)
serializationData: the serialization data previously generated with geom_getMeshSerializationData.
Return value A pointer to the created mesh object in case of success, nullptr otherwise.
See also geom_getMeshSerializationData


Description Checks for collision between two mesh objects.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshMeshCollision(const CObbStruct* mesh1ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh1Transformation,const CObbStruct* mesh2ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh2Transformation,std::vector* intersections=nullptr,int* mesh1Caching=nullptr,int* mesh2Caching=nullptr)
mesh1ObbStruct: a pointer to the first mesh object.
mesh1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first mesh.
mesh2ObbStruct: a pointer to the second mesh object.
mesh2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second mesh.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (set to nullptr for fast operation).
mesh1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in mesh 1).
mesh2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in mesh 2).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between two mesh objects.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* mesh1ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh1Transformation,const CObbStruct* mesh2ObbStruct,const C7Vector& mesh2Transformation,simReal& dist,C3Vector* minDistSegPt1=nullptr,C3Vector* minDistSegPt2=nullptr,int* mesh1Caching=nullptr,int* mesh2Caching=nullptr)
mesh1ObbStruct: a pointer to the first mesh object.
mesh1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first mesh.
mesh2ObbStruct: a pointer to the second mesh object.
mesh2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second mesh.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
minDistSegPt1: the minimum distance point on the first mesh.
minDistSegPt2: the minimum distance point on the second mesh.
mesh1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the first mesh).
mesh2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the second mesh).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between a mesh object and an OC-tree object.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshOctreeCollision(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,int* meshCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
meshCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in the mesh).
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshMeshCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and an OC-tree object.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,simReal& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,int* meshCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
meshCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& point,simReal& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
point: the position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a point-cloud object.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,simReal& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,int* meshCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
meshCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between a mesh object and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshSegmentCollision(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentExtremity,const C3Vector& segmentVector,std::vector* intersections=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
segmentExtremity: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (where both segment points are always coincident) (set to nullptr for fast operation).
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in the mesh).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshMeshCollision, geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,simReal& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Retrieves the serialization data from a mesh object.
Synopsis void geom_getMeshSerializationData(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,std::vector& serializationData)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
serializationData: the serialization data.
Return value
See also geom_getMeshFromSerializationData


Description Checks for collision between a mesh object and a triangle.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshTriangleCollision(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,std::vector* intersections=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (set to nullptr for fast operation).
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding triangle in the mesh).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshMeshCollision, geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between a mesh object and a triangle.
Synopsis bool geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,simReal& dist,C3Vector* meshMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleMinDistPt=nullptr,int* caching=nullptr)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
meshMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the mesh.
triangleMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the triangle that holds the minimum distance point on the mesh).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshMeshDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Creates an OC-tree object based on serialization data.
Synopsis COcStruct* geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData(const unsigned char* serializationData)
serializationData: the serialization data previously generated with geom_getOctreeSerializationData.
Return value A pointer to the created OC-tree object in case of success, nullptr otherwise.
See also geom_getOctreeSerializationData


Description Checks for collision between two OC-tree objects.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision(const COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation,unsigned long long int* oc1Caching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* oc2Caching=nullptr)
oc1Struct: a pointer to the first OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the second OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second OC-tree.
oc1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in OC-tree 1).
oc2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in OC-tree 2).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between two OC-tree objects.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation,simReal& dist,C3Vector* oc1MinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* oc2MinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* oc1Caching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* oc2Caching=nullptr)
oc1Struct: a pointer to the first OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the second OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
oc1MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the first OC-tree.
oc2MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the second OC-tree.
oc1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the first OC-tree).
oc2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the second OC-tree).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between an OC-tree object and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreePointCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& point,unsigned int* usrData=nullptr,unsigned long long int* caching=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
point: a point expressed relative to the world reference frame.
usrData: the user data of the colliding voxel.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxPointCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& point,simReal& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
point: the position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between am OC-tree object and a point-cloud object.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr))
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding point in the point-cloud).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a point-cloud object.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,simReal& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance on the point-cloud).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between an OC-tree object and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentExtremity,const C3Vector& segmentVector,unsigned long long int* caching=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
segmentExtremity: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,simReal& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Retrieves the serialization data from an OC-tree object.
Synopsis void geom_getOctreeSerializationData(const COcStruct* ocStruct,std::vector& serializationData)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
serializationData: the serialization data.
Return value
See also geom_getOctreeFromSerializationData


Description Checks for collision between an OC-tree object and a triangle.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,unsigned long long int* caching=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next collision checking between the same two entities (memorizes the colliding voxel in the OC-tree).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshOctreeCollision, geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeOctreeCollision, geom_getOctreePtcloudCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreePointCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between an OC-tree object and a triangle.
Synopsis bool geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,simReal& dist,C3Vector* ocMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* ocCaching=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
ocMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the OC-tree.
triangleMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
ocCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the voxel that holds the minimum distance point on the OC-tree).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeOctreeDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Retrieves voxel data and optionally user data from an OC-tree.
Synopsis void geom_getOctreeVoxelData(const COcStruct* ocStruct,std::vector& voxelData,std::vector* userData=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
voxelData: the voxel data: for each voxel, there are 3 position values (XYZ) and 3 color values (RGB, 0-1).
userData: the user data: for each voxel, there is one user data value.
Return value
See also


Description Creates a point-cloud object based on serialization data.
Synopsis CPcStruct* geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData(const unsigned char* serializationData)
serializationData: the serialization data previously generated with geom_getPtcloudSerializationData.
Return value A pointer to the created point-cloud object in case of success, nullptr otherwise.
See also geom_getPtcloudSerializationData


Description Computes the minimum distance between a point-cloud object and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,const C3Vector& point,simReal& dist,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
point: the position of the point.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Retrieves point data from a point-cloud.
Synopsis void geom_getPtcloudPoints(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,std::vector& pointData,simReal prop=simOne)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pointData: the point data: for each point, there are 3 position values (XYZ) and 3 color values (RGB, 0-1).
prop: the proportion of data to retrieve, on a voxel-basis. simOne retrieves all data, 0.25 retrieves 25% of the data.
Return value
See also


Description Computes the minimum distance between two point-cloud objects.
Synopsis bool geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pc1Struct,const C7Vector& pc1Transformation,const CPcStruct* pc2Struct,const C7Vector& pc2Transformation,simReal& dist,C3Vector* pc1MinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* pc2MinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pc1Caching=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pc2Caching=nullptr)
pc1Struct: a pointer to the first point-cloud object.
pc1Transformation: the transformation frame of the first point-cloud.
pc2Struct: a pointer to the second point-cloud object.
pc2Transformation: the transformation frame of the second point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pc1MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the first point-cloud.
pc2MinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the second point-cloud.
pc1Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the first point-cloud).
pc2Caching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the second point-cloud).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the minimum distance between a point-cloud and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,simReal& dist,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Retrieves the serialization data from a point-cloud object.
Synopsis void geom_getPtcloudSerializationData(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,std::vector& serializationData)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
serializationData: the serialization data.
Return value
See also geom_getPtcloudFromSerializationData


Description Computes the minimum distance between a point-cloud object and a triangle.
Synopsis bool geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& pcTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,simReal& dist,C3Vector* pcMinDistPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangleMinDistPt=nullptr,unsigned long long int* pcCaching=nullptr)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
pcTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
pcMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the point-cloud.
triangleMinDistPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
pcCaching: a value that can be used to speed-up next distance calculation between the same two entities (memorizes the point that holds the minimum distance point on the point-cloud).
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPtcloudDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the minimum distance between a segment and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,const C3Vector& point,simReal& dist,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr)
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
point: position of the point
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the minimum distance between two segments.
Synopsis bool geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& segment1EndPoint,const C3Vector& segment1Vector,const C3Vector& segment2EndPoint,const C3Vector& segment2Vector,simReal& dist,C3Vector* segment1DistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segment2DistSegPt=nullptr)
segment1EndPoint: position of point A on the first segment
segment1Vector: vector stretching from point A to point B on the first segment.
segment2EndPoint: position of point A on the second segment
segment2Vector: vector stretching from point A to point B on the second segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
segment1DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the first segment.
segment2DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the second segment.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the minimum distance between a triangle and a point.
Synopsis bool geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,const C3Vector& point,simReal& dist,C3Vector* triangleDistSegPt=nullptr)
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
point: position of the point
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
triangleDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxPointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between a triangle and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision(const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,std::vector* intersections=nullptr)
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
intersections: if not nullptr, then a possible collision will be extracted as interference segment (where both segment points are always coincident) (set to nullptr for fast operation).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getMeshSegmentCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeSegmentCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxSegmentCollision, geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between a triangle and a segment.
Synopsis bool geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,simReal& dist,C3Vector* triangleDistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* segmentDistSegPt=nullptr)
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
triangleDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the triangle.
segmentDistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the segment.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Checks for collision between two triangles.
Synopsis bool geom_getTriangleTriangleCollision(const C3Vector& p1,const C3Vector& v1,const C3Vector& w1,const C3Vector& p2,const C3Vector& v2,const C3Vector& w2,std::vector* intersections=nullptr)
p1: position of point A on triangle 1.
v1: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 1.
w1: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 1.
p2: position of point A on triangle 2.
v2: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 2.
w2: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 2.
intersections: if not nullptr, then all collisions will be extracted as interference segments (set to nullptr for fast operation).
Return value the collision status
See also geom_getMeshTriangleCollision, geom_getOctreeTriangleCollision, geom_getBoxTriangleCollision, geom_getTriangleSegmentCollision


Description Computes the minimum distance between two triangles.
Synopsis bool geom_getTriangleTriangleDistanceIfSmaller(const C3Vector& p1,const C3Vector& v1,const C3Vector& w1,const C3Vector& p2,const C3Vector& v2,const C3Vector& w2,simReal& dist,C3Vector* triangle1DistSegPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triangle2DistSegPt=nullptr)
p1: position of point A on triangle 1.
v1: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 1.
w1: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 1.
p2: position of point A on triangle 2.
v2: vector stretching from point A to point B on triangle 2.
w2: vector stretching from point A to point C on triangle 2.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
triangle1DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the first triangle.
triangle2DistSegPt: the minimum distance point on the second triangle.
Return value whether the minimum distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_getMeshTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getPtcloudTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getBoxTriangleDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTriangleSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Inserts points (with individual colors) into an OC-tree, effectively creating OC-tree voxels.
Synopsis void geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,const unsigned int* usrData=nullptr)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB colors (0-255)of the various points (i.e. one color per point).
usrData: the user data of the various points (i.e. one user data per point).
Return value
See also geom_insertPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree, geom_removePointsFromOctree


Description Inserts points (with individual colors) into point-cloud object.
Synopsis void geom_insertColorPointsIntoPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char* rgbData=nullptr,simReal proximityTol=simReal(0.001)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB colors (0-255)of the various points (i.e. one color per point).
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value
See also geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_removePointsFromPtcloud, geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud


Description Inserts a mesh object into an OC-tree, effectively creating OC-tree voxels.
Synopsis void geom_insertMeshIntoOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CObbStruct* obbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
obbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value
See also geom_insertPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree, geom_removeMeshFromOctree


Description Inserts an OC-tree object into another OC-tree object, effectively creating OC-tree voxels in the second OC-tree object.
Synopsis void geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree(COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0)
oc1Struct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the other OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the other OC-tree object.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value
See also geom_insertPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree, geom_removeOctreeFromOctree


Description Inserts points into an OC-tree, effectively creating OC-tree voxels.
Synopsis void geom_insertPointsIntoOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,unsigned int usrData=0)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated voxels.
usrData: the user data of the generated voxels.
Return value
See also geom_insertColorPointsIntoOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree, geom_removePointsFromOctree


Description Inserts points into a point-cloud object.
Synopsis void geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const simReal* points,int pointCnt,const unsigned char rgbData[3]=nullptr,simReal proximityTol=simReal(0.001))
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
rgbData: the RGB color (0-255) of the generated points.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances below the specified value are not permitted and points will be omitted).
Return value
See also geom_insertColorPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_removePointsFromPtcloud, geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud


Description Performs an intersection operation between a point-cloud and specific points: point-cloud points within a certain tolerance to the specified points will be kept, others will be removed.
Synopsis bool geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const simReal* points,int pointCnt,simReal proximityTol=simReal(0.001))
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
proximityTol: the distance tolerance to other points (i.e. point-point distances above the specified value will result in removal of those point-cloud points.
Return value
See also


Description Checks whether a point lies within a proximity sensor volume.
Synopsis bool geom_isPointInVolume(const simReal* planesIn,int planesInSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const C3Vector& point)
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the volume.
point: the point to test.
Return value whether the point lies within the sensor's volume.
See also


Description Computes the distance from a ray-type proximity sensor to a mesh object.
Synopsis bool geom_raySensorDetectMeshIfSmaller(const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,simReal rayOffset,simReal rayLength,const CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,simReal& dist,simReal forbiddenDist=simZero,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,simReal maxAngle=simZero,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr,bool* forbiddenDistTouched=nullptr)
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor.
rayOffset: the offset of the ray (i.e. where the ray starts), along its frame's Z-axis.
rayLength: the length of the ray.
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
forbiddenDist: the distance threshold along the sensor's Z-axis, where detection is forbidden. If something is detected in that section of the ray, then the return will be false.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the mesh will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the mesh will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
forbiddenDistTouched: if something was detected in the forbidden section of the sensor, then the value pointed by this pointer will be true.
Return value whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_raySensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_getMeshSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the distance from a ray-type proximity sensor to an OC-tree object.
Synopsis bool geom_raySensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller(const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,simReal rayOffset,simReal rayLength,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,simReal& dist,simReal forbiddenDist=simZero,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,simReal maxAngle=simZero,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr,bool* forbiddenDistTouched=nullptr)
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor.
rayOffset: the offset of the ray (i.e. where the ray starts), along its frame's Z-axis.
rayLength: the length of the ray.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
forbiddenDist: the distance threshold along the sensor's Z-axis, where detection is forbidden. If something is detected in that section of the ray, then the return will be false.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
forbiddenDistTouched: if something was detected in the forbidden section of the sensor, then the value pointed by this pointer will be true.
Return value whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_raySensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_getOctreeSegmentDistanceIfSmaller, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Deletes OC-tree voxels that occupy the space of the specified mesh.
Synopsis bool geom_removeMeshFromOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const CObbStruct* obbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
obbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
Return value true if the OC-tree does not contain any voxels anymore, after this operation. false otherwise.
See also geom_removePointsFromOctree, geom_removeOctreeFromOctree, geom_insertMeshIntoOctree


Description Deletes OC-tree voxels that occupy the space of the other specified OC-tree.
Synopsis bool geom_removeOctreeFromOctree(COcStruct* oc1Struct,const C7Vector& octree1Transformation,const COcStruct* oc2Struct,const C7Vector& octree2Transformation)
oc1Struct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octree1Transformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
oc2Struct: a pointer to the other OC-tree object.
octree2Transformation: the transformation frame of the other OC-tree.
Return value true if the OC-tree does not contain any voxels anymore, after this operation. false otherwise.
See also geom_removePointsFromOctree, geom_removeMeshFromOctree, geom_insertOctreeIntoOctree


Description Deletes OC-tree voxels that occupy the space of the specified points.
Synopsis bool geom_removePointsFromOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,const simReal* points,int pointCnt)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
Return value true if the OC-tree does not contain any voxels anymore, after this operation. false otherwise.
See also geom_removeMeshFromOctree, geom_removeOctreeFromOctree, geom_insertPointsIntoOctree


Description Deletes point-cloud points that occupy the space of the specified OC-tree voxels.
Synopsis bool geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,int* countRemoved=nullptr)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
countRemoved: the number of removed points.
Return value true if the point-cloud does not contain any points anymore, after this operation. false otherwise.
See also geom_removePointsFromPtcloud, geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud


Description Deletes point-cloud points that occupy the proximity space of the specified points.
Synopsis bool geom_removePointsFromPtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,const simReal* points,int pointCnt,simReal proximityTol,int* countRemoved=nullptr)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
points: an array of point values (XYZ-triplets). Points are expressed relative to the world reference frame.
pointCnt: the number of points.
proximityTol: the proximity tolerance.
countRemoved: the number of removed points.
Return value true if the point-cloud does not contain any points anymore, after this operation. false otherwise.
See also geom_removeOctreeFromPtcloud, geom_insertPointsIntoPtcloud, geom_intersectPointsWithPtcloud


Description Scales a mesh object.
Synopsis void geom_scaleMesh(CObbStruct* meshObbStruct,simReal scalingFactor)
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
scalingFactor: the scaling factor.
Return value
See also


Description Scales an OC-tree object.
Synopsis void geom_scaleOctree(COcStruct* ocStruct,simReal scalingFactor)
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
scalingFactor: the scaling factor.
Return value
See also


Description Scales a point-cloud object.
Synopsis void geom_scalePtcloud(CPcStruct* pcStruct,simReal scalingFactor)
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
scalingFactor: the scaling factor.
Return value
See also


Description Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a mesh object that lie within the sensor's detection volume.
Synopsis bool geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller(const simReal* planesIn,int planesInSize,const simReal* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const CObbStruct* obbStruct,const C7Vector& meshTransformation,simReal& dist,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,simReal maxAngle=simZero,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr)
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The mesh object (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The mesh object (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
meshObbStruct: a pointer to the mesh object.
meshTransformation: the transformation frame of the mesh.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the mesh will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the mesh will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
Return value whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_raySensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getMeshPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of an OC-tree object that lie within the sensor's detection volume.
Synopsis bool geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller(const simReal* planesIn,int planesInSize,const simReal* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const COcStruct* ocStruct,const C7Vector& octreeTransformation,simReal& dist,bool fast=false,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,simReal maxAngle=simZero,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr)
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The OC-tree object (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The OC-tree object (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
ocStruct: a pointer to the OC-tree object.
octreeTransformation: the transformation frame of the OC-tree.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
frontDetection: if true, front faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
backDetection: if true, back faces of the OC-tree will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the detected face. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the detected face, if return value is true.
Return value whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_raySensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getOctreePointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a point-cloud object that lie within the sensor's detection volume.
Synopsis bool geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller(const simReal* planesIn,int planesInSize,const simReal* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const CPcStruct* pcStruct,const C7Vector& ptcloudTransformation,simReal& dist,bool fast=false,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr)
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The point-cloud object (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The point-cloud object (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
pcStruct: a pointer to the point-cloud object.
ptcloudTransformation: the transformation frame of the point-cloud.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
fast: if true, calculation will be faster, however only the first encountered feature that satisfies the detection requirements will be returned (and not the closest of those features).
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
Return value whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getPtcloudPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a segment that lie within the sensor's detection volume.
Synopsis bool geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller(const simReal* planesIn,int planesInSize,const simReal* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const C3Vector& segmentEndPoint,const C3Vector& segmentVector,simReal& dist,simReal maxAngle=simZero,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr)
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The segment (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The segment (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
segmentEndPoint: position of vertex A on the segment.
segmentVector: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the segment.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and a perpendicular vector of the segment. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
Return value whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getSegmentPointDistanceIfSmaller


Description Computes the distance from a proximity sensor to parts of a triangle that lie within the sensor's detection volume.
Synopsis bool geom_volumeSensorDetectTriangleIfSmaller(const simReal* planesIn,int planesInSize,const simReal* planesOut,int planesOutSize,const C7Vector& sensorTransformation,const C3Vector& p,const C3Vector& v,const C3Vector& w,simReal& dist,bool frontDetection=true,bool backDetection=true,simReal maxAngle=simZero,C3Vector* detectPt=nullptr,C3Vector* triN=nullptr)
planesIn: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The triangle (or parts of it) inside the volume, and outside of volume planesOut, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the inside if N*P+D>=0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside.
planesInSize: the number of values in the planesIn array.
planesOut: an array describing a convex volume, via planes. The triangle (or parts of it) outside the volume and inside volume planesIn, is detected. Each plane is defined by 4 values: (Nx,Ny,Nz,D), where a point (Px,Py,Pz) lies on the outside if N*P+D<0. N is the normal vector of the plane, pointing towards the volume inside. planesOut can be nullptr if planesOutSize is 0
planesOutSize: the number of values in the planesOut array.
sensorTransformation: the transformation frame of the sensor (also transforms the sensor's volumes).
p: position of vertex A on the triangle.
v: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex B on the triangle.
w: vector stretching from vertex A to vertex C on the triangle.
dist: the distance threshold as input, and the minimum distance as output if it is below the threshold.
frontDetection: if true, the front of the triangle will be detected.
backDetection: if true, the back of the triangle will be detected.
maxAngle: the maximum allowed angle between detection ray and normal vector of the triangle. Zero to ignore the maximum angle.
detectPt: the position of the detected point, if return value is true.
triN: the normal vector of the triangle, if return value is true.
Return value whether the sensor detected something and the distance is smaller than the specified threshold
See also geom_volumeSensorDetectMeshIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectOctreeIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectPtcloudIfSmaller, geom_volumeSensorDetectSegmentIfSmaller, geom_isPointInVolume, geom_getTrianglePointDistanceIfSmaller