Data visualization/output

Data in CoppeliaSim can be visualized or output/logged in various ways:

  • web-browser based front-end
  • visualizing data in graphs
  • displaying data in custom user interfaces
  • augmenting the scene with visual items
  • logging data to the status bar via the simple print command
  • logging data to the status bar and/or terminal via the sim.addLog API function
  • logging data to a file
  • Following example illustrates how to display a joint angle in a simple custom user interface:

    function sysCall_init() jointHandle=sim.getObject('/Joint') local xml =[[<ui title="Example" closeable="false" layout="form"> <label text="joint angle:" /> <label id="1" text="-" /> </ui>]] ui=simUI.create(xml) end function sysCall_sensing() local v=180*sim.getJointPosition(jointHandle)/math.pi simUI.setLabelText(ui,1,string.format('%.3f',v)) end function sysCall_cleanup() simUI.destroy(ui) end

    Augmenting the scene with visual items

    Simple visual items such as points, lines, spheres or individual triangles can easily be added to the scene via API functions sim.addDrawingObject and sim.addDrawingObjectItem, for example:

    function sysCall_init() local drawingObject=sim.addDrawingObject(sim.drawing_spherepts,0.005,0,-1,1000,{1,0,0}) for i=0,359,1 do local coord={math.cos(i*math.pi/180),math.sin(i*math.pi/180),0.01} sim.addDrawingObjectItem(drawingObject,coord) end end

    More complex items, such as random meshes can be created on the fly via sim.loadModel, simAssimp.importShapes, sim.createPrimitiveShape, sim.createMeshShape and/or sim.copyPasteObjects. To avoid surcharching the scene with too many additional objects, make sure to group them with sim.groupShapes. For example:

    function sysCall_init() local individualShapes={} for i=0,359,1 do local shape=sim.createPrimitiveShape(sim.primitiveshape_cylinder,{0.005,0.005,0.02}) local coord={math.cos(i*math.pi/180),math.sin(i*math.pi/180),0.01} sim.setObjectPosition(shape,-1,coord) sim.setShapeColor(shape,nil,sim.colorcomponent_ambient_diffuse,{1,0,0}) individualShapes[i+1]=shape end -- Group individual shapes: local masterShape=sim.groupShapes(individualShapes,true) -- Make it invisible to collision detection, sensors, etc.: sim.setObjectSpecialProperty(masterShape,0) end

    Logging data to a file

    Following example illustrates how to log a joint angle to a file:

    function sysCall_init() jointHandle=sim.getObject('/Joint')'jointAngles.txt','w+') file:write('Joint angles for each simulation step:\n\n') end function sysCall_sensing() local v=180*sim.getJointPosition(jointHandle)/math.pi file:write(string.format('time: %.3f [s]',sim.getSimulationTime()+sim.getSimulationTimeStep())) file:write(string.format(', joint angle: %.1f [deg]\n',v)) end function sysCall_cleanup() file:close() end