Regular API function

simAuxiliaryConsoleOpen / sim.auxiliaryConsoleOpen

Description Opens an auxiliary console window for text display. This console window is different from the application main console window. Console window handles are shared across all simulator scenes. See also sim.auxiliaryConsolePrint, sim.auxiliaryConsoleClose and sim.addLog.
simInt simAuxiliaryConsoleOpen(const simChar* title,simInt maxLines,simInt mode,const simInt* position,const simInt* size,const simFloat* textColor,const simFloat* backgroundColor)
title: the title of the console window
maxLines: the number of text lines that can be displayed and buffered
mode: bit-coded value. Bit0 (1) set indicates that the console window will automatically close at simulation end (when called from a simulation script, the console window will always automatically close at simulation end), bit1 (2) set indicates that lines will be wrapped, bit2 (4) set indicates that the user can close the console window, bit3 (8) is not used, bit4 (16) set indicates that the console will not automatically hide when the user switches to another scene (this only applies when called from an add-on or the sandbox script).
position: the initial position of the console window (x and y value). Can be nullptr
size: the initial size of the console window (x and y value). Can be nullptr
textColor: the color of the text (rgb values, 0-1). Can be nullptr
backgroundColor: the background color of the console window (rgb values, 0-1). Can be nullptr
return value
-1 if operation was not successful. Otherwise a console window handle
int consoleHandle=sim.auxiliaryConsoleOpen(string title,int maxLines,int mode,int[2] position=nil,int[2] size=nil,float[3] textColor=nil,float[3] backgroundColor=nil)
Similar to the C-function counterpart. Last 4 parameters can be omitted too.
return values
Similar to the C-function counterpart
int consoleHandle=sim.auxiliaryConsoleOpen(string title,int maxLines,int mode,list position=None,list size=None,list textColor=None,list backgroundColor=None)