Subprocess Plugin API reference

API functions for subprocess



Description Execute a subprocess.
Lua synopsis int exitCode, string output=simSubprocess.exec(string programPath, string[] args, string input="", exec_opts opts={})
Lua parameters
programPath (string): Program path.
args (table of string): Program arguments.
input (string, default: ""): Data passed to stdin.
opts (exec_opts, default: {}): Options. see exec_opts
Lua return values
exitCode (int):
output (string):
Python synopsis int exitCode, string output=simSubprocess.exec(string programPath, list args, string input="", exec_opts opts={})
See also


Description Execute a subprocess without waiting for termination.
Lua synopsis string handle=simSubprocess.execAsync(string programPath, string[] args, exec_opts opts={})
Lua parameters
programPath (string): Program path.
args (table of string): Program arguments.
opts (exec_opts, default: {}): Options. see exec_opts
Lua return values
handle (string):
Python synopsis string handle=simSubprocess.execAsync(string programPath, list args, exec_opts opts={})
See also


Description Check wether a subprocess previously launched with simSubprocess.execAsync is running.
Lua synopsis bool running=simSubprocess.isRunning(string handle)
Lua parameters
handle (string):
Lua return values
running (bool):
Python synopsis bool running=simSubprocess.isRunning(string handle)
See also


Description Forcefully terminate a subprocess previously launched with simSubprocess.execAsync.
Lua synopsis int exitCode=simSubprocess.kill(string handle)
Lua parameters
handle (string):
Lua return values
exitCode (int):
Python synopsis int exitCode=simSubprocess.kill(string handle)
See also


Description Wait for termination of a subprocess previously launched with simSubprocess.execAsync. If subprocess terminates, the exit code is returned.
Lua synopsis int exitCode=simSubprocess.wait(string handle, float timeout=5)
Lua parameters
handle (string):
timeout (float, default: 5):
Lua return values
exitCode (int):
Python synopsis int exitCode=simSubprocess.wait(string handle, float timeout=5)
See also

Data structures

Data structures are used to pass complex data around. Create data structures in Lua in the form of a map, e.g.: {line_size=3, add_to_legend=false, selectable=true}


useSearchPath (bool, default: true): Resolve program name searching in PATH entries.
openNewConsole (bool, default: false): Win32-specific flag.
See also