WS Plugin API reference

WebSocket plugin.



Description Send data over the socket.
Lua synopsis simWS.send(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle, string data, int opcode=sim_ws_opcode_text)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
connectionHandle (string):
data (string):
opcode (int, default: sim_ws_opcode_text):
Lua return values
Python synopsis simWS.send(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle, string data, int opcode=sim_ws_opcode_text)
See also


Description The close handler is called once for every successfully established connection after it is no longer capable of sending or receiving new messages.
Lua synopsis simWS.setCloseHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
callbackFn (string):
Lua return values
Python synopsis simWS.setCloseHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
See also


Description The fail handler is called once for every unsuccessful WebSocket connection attempt. Either the fail handler or the open handler will be called for each WebSocket connection attempt. HTTP Connections that did not attempt to upgrade the connection to the WebSocket protocol will trigger the http handler instead of fail/open.
Lua synopsis simWS.setFailHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
callbackFn (string):
Lua return values
Python synopsis simWS.setFailHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
See also


Description The http handler is called when an HTTP connection is made that does not attempt to upgrade the connection to the WebSocket protocol. This allows to deliver error pages and static files such as the base HTML and JavaScript for an otherwise single page WebSocket application. Note: The HTTP handler is appropriate only for low volume HTTP traffic. If you expect to serve high volumes of HTTP traffic a dedicated HTTP web server is strongly recommended.
Lua synopsis simWS.setHTTPHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
callbackFn (string):
Lua return values
Python synopsis simWS.setHTTPHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
See also


Description The message handler is called after a new message has been received.
Lua synopsis simWS.setMessageHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
callbackFn (string):
Lua return values
Python synopsis simWS.setMessageHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
See also


Description The open handler is called once for every successful WebSocket connection attempt. Either the fail handler or the open handler will be called for each WebSocket connection attempt. HTTP Connections that did not attempt to upgrade the connection to the WebSocket protocol will trigger the http handler instead of fail/open.
Lua synopsis simWS.setOpenHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
callbackFn (string):
Lua return values
Python synopsis simWS.setOpenHandler(string serverHandle, string callbackFn)
See also


Description Set up endpoint for listening on a port, and starts the server's async connection acceptance loop.
Lua synopsis string serverHandle=simWS.start(int listenPort)
Lua parameters
listenPort (int):
Lua return values
serverHandle (string):
Python synopsis string serverHandle=simWS.start(int listenPort)
See also


Description Stop and destroy the server.
Lua synopsis simWS.stop(string serverHandle)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
Lua return values
Python synopsis simWS.stop(string serverHandle)
See also


Constants used in the various functions. Refer to each constant using enumName.constantName, i.e. simUI.curve_type.xy for xy constant in simUI.curve_type enum.



Script functions

Script functions are used to call some lua code from the plugin side (tipically used for event handlers).


Lua synopsis simWS.openCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
connectionHandle (string):
Lua return values -
Python synopsis simWS.openCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle)
See also


Lua synopsis simWS.failCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
connectionHandle (string):
Lua return values -
Python synopsis simWS.failCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle)
See also


Lua synopsis simWS.closeCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
connectionHandle (string):
Lua return values -
Python synopsis simWS.closeCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle)
See also


Lua synopsis simWS.messageCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle, string data)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
connectionHandle (string):
data (string):
Lua return values -
Python synopsis simWS.messageCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle, string data)
See also


Lua synopsis int status, string data=simWS.httpCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle, string resource, string data)
Lua parameters
serverHandle (string):
connectionHandle (string):
resource (string):
data (string):
Lua return values
status (int):
data (string):
Python synopsis int status, string data=simWS.httpCallback(string serverHandle, string connectionHandle, string resource, string data)
See also