WebSocket remote API

The WebSocket remote API is one of several ways an application can connect with CoppeliaSim.

The WebSocket remote API allows to control a simulation (or the simulator itself) from an external JavaScript application or remote client/server, via WebSocket. It offers all API functions also available via a CoppeliaSim script: this includes all regular API functions (i.e. sim.* -type functions), but also all API functions provided by plugins (e.g. simOMPL.*, simUI.*, simIK.*, etc.). The WebSocket remoteAPI represents a very thin wrapper around mentioned API functions, and can be used in a very similar way as from within a CoppeliaSim script.

The WebSocket remote API functions are interacting with CoppeliaSim via WebSocket and its interface plugin to CoppeliaSim and the WS remote API add-on. All this happens in a hidden fashion to the user. The remote API can let one or several external applications interact with CoppeliaSim in a stepped (i.e. synchronized with each simulation step) or non-stepped way (i.e. the normal operation mode), and even remote control of the simulator is supported (e.g. remotely loading a scene, starting, pausing or stopping a simulation for instance).

Here a very simple WebSocket remote API example:

const log = (what) => $('#log').append(`${what}\n`); (async () => { var client = new RemoteAPIClient('localhost', 23050, 'json'); log('Connecting...'); await client.websocket.open(); log('Getting proxy object "sim"...'); var sim = await client.getObject('sim'); log('Calling sim.getObject("/Floor")...'); var [h] = await sim.getObject('/Floor'); log(`Result: ${h}`); })();

See programming/wsRemoteApi folder or its related repository for examples.