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Gazebo 套件的安裝與應用研究
Installation and application study of the Gazebo software
CoppeliaSim 雖然提供主要程式庫與各模組的原始碼, 但根據其使用授權所載內容, 卻遠不如 Gazebo 使用授權(Apache-2.0) 開放. 意即, 學生在校期間針對 CoppeliaSim 所研究或開發的延伸套件, 往後若要在業界沿用, 仍必須受到官方關鍵模組使用授權的箝制. 為了提升在機電系統產品開發流程上的自由度, 除了課程教學使用 CoppeliaSim 外, 也希望對 Gazebo 之配置安裝與後續使用授權方面, 能有更深入的探討與研究.
並且, 最近幾年正是 Gazebo 套件從 classic Gazebo 轉為 Gazebo 的時間點, 推出時程規劃可參見 releases, 由於 classic Gazebo 的版本釋出以 source codes 為主, 在 Windows 操作系統安裝配置的參考資料較少, 而新版的 Gazebo 則提供較詳細的安裝步驟. 因此本專題將研究新版本 Gazebo 的安裝流程與其後續模擬應用.
- 建立 Gazebo 機電資模擬場景 (Pick and Place, Fosball Table, Switch-like Ball Game Playground)
- 深度強化學習: https://github.com/topics/deep-reinforcement-learning?l=python
- Python 分散式運算研究與應用: https://github.com/ray-project/ray
- 文獻探討: (一) How to pick a mobile robot simulator: A quantitative comparison of CoppeliaSim, Gazebo, MORSE and Webots with a focus on accuracy of motion, (二) Feature and performance comparison of the V-REP, Gazebo and ARGoS robot simulators, (三) Comparative Analysis Between Gazebo and V-REP Robotic Simulators, (四) https://learn.e.ros4.pro/en/robotic_simulators/comparison/.
- 依據安裝步驟, 完成新版 Gazebo 的安裝. (https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-sim)
- 研究是否可以將 Gazebo 配置為可攜套件.
- 嘗試利用 Gazebo 模擬 foosball table 機電系統.
- 嘗試利用 Gazebo 模擬 uarm robot 機械手臂 pick and place 流程.
- 比較 Gazebo 與 CoppeliaSim 在安裝配置與模擬應用流程上的差異.
從 https://gazebosim.org/about 可得知 gazebo 正面臨關鍵改版中, 引用官方網站內容說明如下:
Gazebo is a collection of open source software libraries designed to simplify development of high-performance applications. The primary audience for Gazebo are robot developers, designers, and educators. However, Gazebo has been structured to suit many different use cases. Each library within Gazebo has minimal dependencies, allowing them to be used in tasks ranging from solving mathematical transforms, to video encoding, and up to simulation and process management. Just choose the libraries you need for your application without committing to a whole ecosystem.
Trust and reliablity has been established through a curation and maintainence process lead by Open Robotics in collaboration with a community of developers. Each library within Gazebo has been designed to serve a specific purpose. This philosophy reduces code clutter, establishes consistency between libraries, and simplifies finding solutions. Development and maintenance adheres to a protocol consisting of multiple reviews, code checkers, and continuous integration. Take a look at Gazebo's roadmap for upcoming features and the latest improvements.
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